Sunday, March 28, 2004

Well, I'm back safe and sound, have done more shopping in one week than I ever thought possible. I'm glad that my suitemates have some space in between them again... towards the end a couple of them had been in close proximity for slightly too long, it was a little tense. But it worked out well for the most part. I had wonderful Indian food while we were at Arathi's house, her mom cooked for us, and it was so good! I've never eaten with my fingers before, or at least, not that kind of food with no utensils. It was an interesting experience. One of those, I know I've been told not to eat like this, but it's a different culture, so I'm going to! And it's really fun! :) We had a good Irish dinner on St. Patrick's day, corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread. Soooo good. Anyway, I had a good time, but now it's back to everything else. We have four weeks until concert now, and this weekend is SF. Crazy!! Hopefully everything goes well. We still have two whole routines and two half routines that need choreography. And that's a little scary, considering the amount of time we have left. It'll all work out I know, but... it would be nice to have all the routines done so that we could just be perfecting at this point. It would be a little less stressful. Anyway, I should get back to work. I'll write when I can... let you know how SF went probably. :) It's sunny!!


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