Thursday, November 13, 2003

Wow, It's been a while, I've just been so incredibly busy, and I have a lot to do now too, so this is going to be really fast, I just wanted to say hi, I'm sorry I haven't posted for a month! With all our rehearsals for Ohio, and getting ready for individual competitions as well, it's been kind of crazy with dance. We had our mock competition last Saturday, PC and I got third in the polka, which was fun and crazy, and we performed the Standard Medley as well, which went very well. Ohio's a week from Saturday! That's insane! I have two big research projects coming up, so I'm getting started on those, and doing regular work as well means I have a lot going on with school. I had two classes get cancelled this week because my profs. were out of town to conferences, that was cool! I'm going to Jonah's uncle's for Thanksgiving, we'll go Wed. and stay until Friday or Saturday, and then come back here and do work, which is apparently usually what happens anyway, which is convenient, since I need to work on these large papers! Anyway, I need to get back to work.... hope you all are doing well! Have fun!


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