Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I was so so frustrated at my internship today! Erg! I hate computers! I spent three hours this afternoon trying to burn a CD. Yes, just one. *glares at the world* Here's the story: I've been working on this spread sheet thing, right? So I finally finish it this morning, it's completely done. There are only nine scans without dates, and we've done everything possible to find them, they just aren't available. So... I print it out, and take it to Elizabeth, and she looks at it, and says, it's great, now I should sort it by date and then print it out again, and then she'll have me start burning a new set of CDs. *sigh* Fine, I had thought I would get to go home, but... I went back, and sorted the stupid thing one last time. Collected the set of other CDs that I would need to get the files off of to burn, got it all ready, and burned the first CD! I was all excited. Nice, I should be able to get about four done at least. Since this one only took me about half an hour. So I go back up to get the next set of CDs that I need, and on the way I think to ask whether I should have included these other little file things on the CD that I just burned. Well, Kate says yes, so I'm supposed to redo the last CD, with little folders and include all the files. Fine. A lot of work, I should be getting paid for this! But fine. So I go back down, create the stinking little folders, which takes forty minutes at least, because there are forty of them, and their titles are the seven digit ID plus the date of the exam. Then I go into the other CDs get all the files I need. Finally finish that, and then hit burn. The program freezes. I hate you. I hate you I hate you! Fine. So I end it, and started recreating it. But I wanted to cry. So I saved this one. Smart girl. You'd think I would have learned something from dealing with my own computer all the time. *sigh*
But, it's over, and I go in on Friday morning to learn about the data analysis program, so hopefully that's cool and interesting instead of boring and frustrating.
That's about how things are going. Except that Memorial Day was really fun! Well, except for the eight hours of work. But we had lots of people over at my house, and it was really nice. But I didn't get to go dancing, everyone was too tired. :( It was sad, but hopefully tomorrow! Anyway, hope you all are having a good summer!


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