Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And then there was Concert

So, Concert, ended up being amazing. I'm really impressed with how hard people worked to pull it all together. Through injuries (Paul had stress fractures in his wrist), costume malfunctions (the cha cha shirts kept getting holes in them), and more, it all worked, and it was awesome! Saturday and Sunday were by far the best performances. It was awesome. Thank you to all of those who came out to support us. You are wonderful. Hopefully the video will be able to capture most of the awesomeness this year, for those of you who couldn't make it down. Here are some pictures, a taste of the wonderfulness that was Concer this year:

The amazingness that was our solo: (Thanks to Paul, and to those who helped me make my dress!)

We also had a pretty cool new standard medley:

And our new Theatre Arts routine, which had beautiful dresses


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