Thursday, January 06, 2005


It snowed this morning. Big, fat, sticky flakes that were very pretty, and came down for about 45 minutes. We got just under a quarter inch, which isn't much at all, but it was pretty. There's supposed to be quite a bit of snow coming in the next couple days. For now, it's melting and making a very slushy mess of the roads, which is probably going to freeze, and make driving very nasty, which means I shall once again be confined to my hilltop. I've been growing my hair out, but I definitely don't have enough to be Rapunzel yet. It's kind of too bad. But, I can live with some pretty snow for a few days, and be confined to my hill, as long as I have heat. That's what made last year so bad. We'll see how it goes this year. It's been so dry that there's no snow in the mountains. Apparently the last time it came this late was in the 1950s or so, and we got 21 inches in the area of my house! That's a lot of snow! We'll see what happens this year. As long as I can get to the airport and get to Claremont on Friday, I'm happy.


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