Monday, December 20, 2004

Feel the Burn!

So, we had to make two attempts at landing in SeaTac because it was so foggy that I couldn't see the wing of the plane that my seat was located directly above. Made a lot of sense to me to head up out of the clouds again. Got a nice view of downtown Seattle, and Mt. St. Helens had a plume of ash that it was sending up. Pretty view above the fog. Not so pretty view inside it. However, it cleared off in the afternoon, and was actually sunny! That was really nice.

However, it's so cold here (really it isn't, but it feels it because it's damp and breezy and I came from 80 degree weather) that when we took a walk at seven last night, by the time we got back to the house my fingers were doing the burny/itchy thing from being too cold. I could definitely feel the burn as they warmed up again, it was sad. I haven't had that happen in a really long time. My blood must be really thin. Silly CA, although I love it. :)

We went to see Polar Express in 3D today at the IMAX theatre, very very cool. The headset things that you had to wear were a little uncomfortable though. Oh well, it was worth it. Good movie. I recommend it.

Now that I'm home and have a little less constant online time, posts will be a little more erratic, just warning, but, I'll try to keep you all updated. :) I miss you!


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