Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fudge and a WEIRD movie

So, we went down to Sandor's last night to watch Twin Dragons, which is the other movie we had picked up at the video store last Thursday. First, Sandor was amazing because he hid in his closet. So, last time we were over, we discovered that he could fit in the cupboards above his closet, and we thought it would be amazing if he hid up there when people were coming over. So, we planned it, and he hid, and it was so amazingly fun! Adam and Sarra were both a little scared. It was great. And then, Sandor had made fudge. It was chocolatey fudge, so even though there was peanut butter kind, it was chocolate base, so it was totally different from what Grandpa makes. It was really good though. He also had dark chocolate. Also, really good. Wow, yumminess. Boys who cook are great. Boys who cook good fudge are amazing!

Anyway, so we watched this movie. It was the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time. It was poorly dubbed in english, so that made it funny first of all, but then there were times when the conversation just made no sense at all. And THEN, the plot didn't make any sense either! So basically, it was a lot of us laughing and having no clue what was going on. It was funny though, which was the point. So that was good. Weird weird movie. Too funny.

Anyway, back to studying for bio, last final tomorrow! Then I have to pack and stuff, but, last final tomorrow!! Yay! :)


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