Friday, June 02, 2006


So, I'm up in the Bay Area, enjoying myself. Been out with the boys a bunch, the boys being Sandor, Andrew, Shua, and sometimes Sandor's coworkers. It's been really fun so far. We've gone mini-golfing, and played board and card games, and saw X3, and various other things. I got to see Andrea briefly while she was up here, which was really nice.

Most importantly though, I've been applying for research positions, and I actually heard back from one at Stanford! It's most likely a two-year position, doing research with Alzheimer's, and also child mathematical development, there's also a music and depression study, and some other things that I could be involved with as well. The cool part is that I would get to continue working with EEG, which would be good to keep up the skills. But I would also get to learn how to work with fMRI and things, which would be fabulous for my resume. They asked me in for an interview two days after I submitted my resume, which was kind of insane. And then asked me to come back in after the weekend. Which I take as a good sign. I really really would like the position. But it makes me nervous because they are now interviewing other people as well. *sigh* We'll see how it goes. I should know in a week or so.

For the moment, I'm learning how to play computer games and Magic. Yes, I'm being a dork. But it's fun. And hopefully if Stanford doesn't come through, I'll be able to find something else quickly that is just as good. I want to know now!!


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