Friday, December 10, 2004

A flying leap of faith?

Not quite, but I did make a flying leap into the ballroom floor yesterday! We were playing "Do You love your neighbor," which was really fun until Stephanie and I got in each other's way, and I ended up stretching out in the air and landing smack face down on the floor! Needless to say, my elbow and hand are pretty sore, but it was apparently very impressive! It was amusing, and I put ice on them and everything. I have some rather lovely bruises already. It's awesome!

We also discovered that Sandor makes an amazing ninja! Out of a black thermal shirt and dress socks. He was absolutely amazing, hiding behind the door of his room in the dark. Ahh, clever boy. Sooo much fun!

Adam and I also had the most amazing Bridge hand ever today! I opened bidding, one diamond, he then bid with five clubs! That means we would have had to take eleven of the thirteen tricks! Justin, just to be mean, decided to say five hearts, so I took it to six clubs, which is over game. Absolutely amazing, and we did it! A small slam, twelve of thirteen tricks we took! So amazing! We enjoyed it! Justin walked back into the room after the game was over and asked: "Did that hand actually just happen?" It was the most amazing hand ever, no question. :) Adam is awesome!

Anyway, must run away to perform for the CMC faculty!


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