Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Neverending Story

So, it seems that problems down here are always coming up. Over the last week Tharyn and I have noticed that the program that collects the EEG data, and the stimulus program (the one that I had to work so hard to make operational) might not be communicating correctly. And that would be bad. My hope is that we can recreate the experiment using both sets of data together if they really are not working, but I have no idea if that's truly possible.

The medium net also has a broken stretchy string which holds the electrodes in place. I know this is bad, and it's one more thing to go wrong, but in the scheme of things I'm not as worried about that.

Tharyn and I just realized that we only have enough money to compensate fifteen more people for their participation. Which means that we're going to run out long before the summer is over. Which is not good if we want to run more people.

And to top it all off, Alan hasn't e-mailed me back in almost a week now! I'm in charge, yeah, but when it comes to things like this... I need him there too. Meh. Why does something always have to go wrong?! Seems like if it's not the house it's the lab.

Also, on a not working note, my Firefly DVDs came on Saturday, but two of the DVD cases were smooshed, so I couldn't open them, which means I can't watch them yet. So I'm waiting until my replacements get here. Should be tomorrow, but still... I need my Firefly! Anyway, that's enough ranting for today. Wish me luck and fewer problems in the future!


At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you could totally get people to volunteer. In fact, I'll be the first. And if you're not allowed to do that you can always beg for more money. Major organizations tend to have it lying around.


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