Monday, August 01, 2005


It's August! Run for your lives!

I can't believe the summer has gone so fast! I'm leaving the day after tomorrow! For a month. My last month of summer, maybe ever. And that would make me so very very sad. *sigh*

Ah well. It's going to be a very busy month at home. So posts here may not happen quite as often, but I'll do my best. First thing that happens is the Seattle Lindy Exchange. The awesomeness that is lindy hoppers descending on Seattle for three full nights of dancing to live music. Sooo excited! And Justin will be there, and Matt too, which will make it even more fun. And hopefully we can get Emily a weekend pass, since the entire thing sold out, it's going to be dicey. But it just wouldn't be the same if she's not there. Who else would I share silly comments about the boys with?!

Anyway, stories from the past: Sandor and I hiked to the top of the hill behind his house Saturday, which was really really steep, but had a very nice view. I think if I did that climb once or twice a day, I would be in really good shape! It's approximately a 45 degree angle uphill, we decided. It was a good workout. And I got soooo dirty! But it was fun. The best part though was seeing the covey of quail, and the snake. On our way back down, there was a lot of rustling up above us off to the side, and we looked, and there was a whole covey of quail! And they stopped moving, sitting on branches and looking at us too. We eventually started moving again, and then they started rustling too. It was amusing. Sandor's comment was that they were probably watching us too, saying Oh no! We scared them off! *chuckle* I love quail. And I found a snake, that Sandor had walked right over. It was amusing. But it was a really good little hike, with the exception of the getting dirty part, since I wasn't exactly wearing my icky hiking clothes. But, it was definitely worth it. :)

It was altogether a really great weekend again, except for the whole his extended family is falling apart thing. So hopefully they'll all be out of the hospital soon. He helped me take my stuff to storage yesterday, which was incredibly nice. But also solidified for me the fact that I'm leaving in two days! It's insane! Having dinner with Dan tonight, to get together one last time before I leave.

So much craziness. I wish there was more summer. But don't we all. For 16 years we wish there was more summer, and then we graduate, and suddenly there's no such thing as summer. Sounds like a bum deal to me. ;)


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