Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Space Shuttle Take-Off

So, rather like Space Shuttle Discovery, my plane yesterday had some issues. The first was that it was late coming in, but we got boarded, and would have left not too much past our original departure time, except that one of the fuel gauges was malfunctioning, so we had to de-plane. So, like the astronauts, we all got off the plane so that they could attempt to determine what was causing the fuel gauge to malfunction, and fix it. Apparently, during that time, they unloaded about 30 bags off the plane so that they could make the repair. These bags didn't make it back on the plane before it left.

So, after eight hours in an airport and on a plane, I finally arrived at SeaTac, only to find that apparently neither of my two bags made it on the plane. I was a little peeved. They said they would have them to me last night. But no, they still haven't arrived. I'm a little annoyed. I want my clothes!!

Anyway, it was a frustrating day. But, I'm back home and safe, and it's chilly up here, even though it's 80. It's so sad. *sigh* Anyway, you all should think happy thoughts about my luggage getting here. :)

Update 1:21pm: My luggage is still not here. Apparently they put it in some bin because I asked them not to leave it on my porch at midnight. So they couldn't see it, and therefore didn't deliver it yet. It's supposed to get here before 3. Hah. If it does, it'll be a miracle. I swear they're trying to lose my luggage completely.

Update 2:35pm: I have luggage! And I'm now unpacked and can actually go about a normal life, since I have clothes and things now. Gotta love clothes. And it actually came before 3! It's amazing! I shouldn't be impressed by that. *sigh*


At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see, the Space Shuttle has been full of problems from the start. NASA managed to destroy 20 some odd engines before finally achieving a very delicate balance for the 5-second startup sequence. When you're flying such a complicated piece of equipment things are unfortunately bound to go wrong.

Airplanes on the other hand are much more resilient. Even if one of the engines, say caught on fire during takeoff (which happens from time to time) chances are you would still have made it home safely.

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. not really. The biggest danger is if the engine stays on fire because that would damage the plane. But commerical airplanes nowadays have systems in place to shut off an engine if it catches on fire. All commercial airplanes are also designed to be able to fly with only one engine. In fact the only reasons for having two (or more) engines is greater speed and having a backup engine ;).
Commerical airplanes are tough beasts.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Well, on the way down to school last year, we had to land in Oakland for several hours because one of the engines was overheating and they had to shut it down. Apparently they don't like flying with only one engine, so I may not have made it to Seattle in a timely manner even if I hadn't died during the flight.


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