Saturday, October 01, 2005

Not so Serene thoughts on Serenity

So, I saw Serenity last night with lots of fun people. And my thoughts immediately after the movie went something like:
They took my Firefly and broke it. Lost and abandoned. This isn't what they wanted. Not just about loving the ship, it's about loving the people in it. They broke it.

Sandor can attest to the broken way my thoughts were flowing afterward.

Since then, I have decided that, for a movie, it is good. They did an excellent job with the movie they made. It's incredibly intense. I spent a good portion of the time looking between my fingers not breathing, and then crying. Troy had to give me kleenex. It wasn't what I had wanted or expected for my Firefly, but, it's a good movie. If I see it again, it won't be in the theatre, and I'll watch it with someone who isn't as emotionally connected to the movie itself, so that I won't be able to feed off their emotions as well. But I'm not totally against seeing it again sometime in the future, although it definitely won't be right before I go to bed.

I was a little peeved that they changed the look of the show, and some parts of the original storyline, but, I understand why they did it, and overall it was a good movie, for a movie. I just have decided that it will be judged in a different context than the Firefly that I know and love otherwise. Part of the problem too was that I was disappointed afterward, because I had expected something different from the movie, and that's not what it was. So it's possible I may eventually grow to like it. Although I think it will never fail to make me cry. I'll be really interested to see what happens. Whether there's another movie or not. We'll see.


At 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I hear it, Serenity is the entire second season condensed into a movie. The second of three of four seasons Joss wanted to make. Most likely they'll be other movies though and Firefly will never return to the TV.

And also, it's not your Firefly, it's Joss'.


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