Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Thunder Storms!

There's been thunder, and lightning, and rain all throughout late yesterday and last night! It was so exciting. Apparently there was also a rainbow, but I missed it. However, the clouds are doing awesome things today. I love lightning!

To make things more exciting, we had a power outage yesterday, Scripps told us that there was a problem in a manhole which knocked everything out. However, I was told that Pomona knew about the outage before it happened. Weird. Apparently there was another outage last night, as Sarra came frantically out of her room this morning making sure everyone knew that it was 8:45. Which we all did because we all have battery-opperated alarms, which she does not. I think it's a midwest thing. When you live somewhere the power goes out fairly often, you learn not to have your clocks be electric. But it was interesting, because none of the rest of us knew anything had happened last night. I'll be curious to see if there's more today, or if we've had two and that's all. I certainly hope that's all! Having power outages makes things rather difficult, as the doors to the dorms are all powered, and it's rather nice to have computers which work. Although, having a laptop I wasn't so affected as some.

Anyway, I'm excited about the weather for once. Mostly because it's stormy instead of just rainy. And I hope it sticks around and is exciting for a bit longer. :)


At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that parts of the city also lost power during the storm, sometime around 1:00. But fortunately the backup generators kicked in and everything was fine. Fortunately/unfortunately I was still up at that time doing homework and so I was able to reset my alarm clock before I went to bed. Unfortunately I in my weary state I forgot the distinction between AM and PM. Furthermore I also forgot to turn the alarm on.


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