Saturday, March 29, 2003

Let's see, this week has been crazy! Too much stuff going on! Too many group projects! Ahh! These first two weeks are insane! But the thing is is that it's not going to get any better, because there's only six weeks of school left, and there's so much stuff to do! Six weeks?! When did that happen?! Anyway, it will all work out I hope! So, today we had competition lab, which is the mock competition so that students in the classes can get the feel of what a real competition would be like, except that real competitions are very different! There's not quite so much running around, and WE don't have to wear the numbers! Today I had three numbers! One of which came off while dancing! I made it into the finals for all the dances that I was competing in! That was very exciting! I placed sixth in the polka, fourth in the cha-cha, and first in the tango! :) So, this is now the diary of the tango champion of the Claremont Colleges! ;) It was really fun! Andrew's awesome at tango, so that helped a lot! Ian was my tango for polka, and then both of his partners made it into the final, so he chose to dance with Nicole, and so Phillip volunteered to be my partner for the final round, and it went OK, but I could have done better I think with Ian. Oh well. That's OK. Lisa and her partner won, so that was awesome! Lisa also took my place as the East Coast Swing Champion for this semester. That was good! She's really cute! :) Let's see, I wore my new skirt, and one of my new leos, and I had to keep changing skirts for cha-cha and tango, it was crazy! There was one incredibly quick change, besides the one between our campus team performance, and the polka! I got canged, went and put my costume away, grabbed my other number, and had Ian pin it on while I buckled my shoes as we were called on the floor! It was crazy! But, the performance went really really well! That was the best we have ever done it, and it was great! Apparently we did very well! That's what I heard from tour team members anyway. Which is nice! I'm glad! It felt good anyway! It was such a fun and awesome day! Yay! And we're meeting to play games in a while! So there's more fun to come! :) Yay! I wish there was more dancing! I could do that! :)


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