Saturday, May 10, 2003

Alright, so, one take home final, three sit down finals, and five pages of my ten page paper to go! But, I'm having a fabulous time! We had our last team social yesterday, so we had dinner with everyone, and a slideshow, and presentation of awards, and different things. We made Tara cry, and got Wes all choked up when we gave them their awards. I can't believe they're actually leaving. I just got into this! You shouldn't be allowed to go! But, such is life. Wes is pretty confident in the guy who he thinks will get the job. Hopefully he's right! After the team social, we created a surprise dance party for Wes and Tara, it was so cute, because Tara knew about it, and she told Wes that she was recieving some kind of award and needed an escort, so he had to dress nicely, and so he came in his tux, and luckily, just happened to be wearing an old pair of his dancing shoes, because they look like tux shoes. He was so surprised, and really happy. It made me happy. I shall miss them both very much! They were such fun people! They imitated beginning dancers learning to waltz last night, and it was so funny! They are hilarious together! And they put cake on each other's faces! They are great! It was so much fun! Except that they ended the dance at 11, and we really could have gone on longer! It was kind of sad. But, that's OK, we had fun anyway, because we all went and took a shower, and then reconvened in the living room, and we just ended up talking and stuff, but it was really fun. I shall miss these people for three months! But, we'll be back together in the fall, thankfully! Wow, so, dancing has officially ended. There will be no more, even Lindy has ended. It's kind of sad. But, we're all going to Lindygroove on Thursday, after seeing the Matrix and then having dinner, it will be fabulous! A really good way to start bringing an end to this. Wow, I can't believe it's over already. I never wanted year-long schooling before, but this is so different! I wish we didn't have such a long time off, and at the same time, it's going to be really nice not to have all the work! Well, speaking of which, I should go and get some done. Talk to you all soon!


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