Friday, May 02, 2003

Yay! Well, let's see, I finished my presentation, so now I only have a ten page paper to write. (Only. ;) ) Today was the last day of math, which is kind of sad, and really nice at the same time, because now I just have a final to take, and no three-time-a-week assignments to do. Core, wow, we have to create a presentation by Monday. But, since the three of us have been incredibly busy, yeah, I think that will be happening tomorrow, or something. The two dance parties last weekend were so much fun! So much fun! I got out of lab on Friday, Becca did my hair (in this really awesome style that I got so many compliments on) and Camille did sparkly makeup on me. :) Then I gathered everything, and headed down to the ballroom. We had spent two hours the night before creating clouds, lightning bolts, and I drew two Parthenons for the walls. (I was very proud of my Parthenons. You all know how very non-drawing-artistic I am! :) ) Things were going fine until the ladder collapsed while Lucas was on it! That was so scary, because I was standing right beside him, and I couldn't do a thing about it! I'm so glad that he wasn't badly hurt. He was able to land in a safe position, which was so good. Scared me to death though! But, he got right back up and kept hanging the streamers. I was very impressed with him. Eric took over Lucas's place after a while, and he and I finished the streamers. Then I had twenty minutes to eat, and then we rehearsed for our performance that evening. Then I helped Leslie with the food, while waiting for Sarra and Lisa to arrive so that I could get the last pieces to my costume. The theme was Greek/toga, so we decided that the three of us should go as the sirens. :) It was fabulous! We wore hottt dresses, and feathers, and handed out ear plugs so that the guys could dance with us. It was so fun! We did take pictures, so hopefully they turn out well! :) The dancing was really fun, and the performance went well, so that was great. By the time the dance was over though, I had spent over six hours in the ballroom, and it was time to go home, so I didn't stay to help clean up as much, but, I had done a lot of decorating, so I think that was enough. Anyway, the next night, we had our own little dance party. There were four girls, and three guys. And it worked out really well! It was so fun! And after we finished dancing, we played games, which was awesome! I love this group of people, they are so fun! :) So, this week was rehearsal week! We have had rehearsal every night, which has made things slightly crazy, but lots of fun. The rehearsals have been going well, last night we actually got done with tech, and a full run-through before midnight! I was so impressed! These lighting guys are fast and awesome! Wednesday night, I stayed to watch the show from the audience, because I won't ever get to see it, although I found out that I will have a lot more to do backstage than I thought I would, which is really nice! I like feeling helpful, instead of just being in a dressing room waiting to go on. Last night, I found people I could help with quick-changes, so that's what I will be doing, I also sewed Leslie's custume, and Adam's hat. I was little miss fix-it! :) It was fun. At least I was doing something. I like that. The show is going to be so incredibly wonderful! I can't wait to show you the videos! And, there's interesting things about the tour team, because they were going to Taiwan on tour, but now with this whole SARS thing, they probably won't be going, which is horribly sad for them, because they had it all planned out! But, better to not have them all get sick than to have them go, is my feeling, and I'm sure theirs too. :) Anyway, opening night is tonight! I am so very very excited! Yay! It's going to be so good! :) I love dance! And the costumes, though dangerous, are so incredibly fun to wear! I love them! Mmm, Yay! And, Aunty sent me flowers! Thank you! It was so nice, and cute! I love them! Anyway, I'll stop rambling and go get some work done!


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