Saturday, August 07, 2004

You'll Never Guess...

Who I met last night!! It was so absolutely exciting! But first, the whole story. :)

So, I picked up Emily at her house, and then we met Matt and drove into Seattle. I ended up being very glad Emily was in the car with me, because there was so much traffic that we missed one of the right turns that the directions said to make, and therefore couldn't follow Matt anymore. He had been far enough ahead that we were having trouble following him anyway. The hilarious part was that we then tried to make our way back to it, and couldn't get there, there were just too many one way streets in the wrong direction, so we took a tour of downtown Seattle for about thirty minutes, which was highly amusing. We had fun, even if it was slightly stressful. And we did make it to the place, after going around this one block three different times. It was so funny! But we were really glad we had left early, otherwise we would have missed some of the band, and that would have stunk because they were really good. So we got there, and were really glad we had registered, because they couldn't let any non-registered people in, there were too many, so even the amazingly good people had to wait until ten, it was insane! So we went in, and told Matt about our adventure, because he had been there for a while, and then they announced the members of the band that would be playing that night. And when they said Matt Emswiler on bass, I froze, and went, I know that name. Can it really be him? How many Mike Emswilers who play jazz bass can there be?! And I looked over, and although it's been three years, and he does look slightly different, I was pretty sure it was him. But I wasn't sure he'd have any clue who I was, because we didn't really know each other. I knew his sister much better, but I had to try. The band was awesome! I loved their music. The only problem being that each song was about 20 minutes long, and when you're dancing with someone really good that's perfect, but when you're dancing with someone not so good, it's a really long time. But it was really good music, so I enjoyed it very much, and only had two dances that I would have preferred to be shorter than they were. So anyway, when the band took a break, Mike was still standing there, so I went over, and said hi as I walked up, and he said "Hi, you went to Kentridge." I replied "Yes, you did too." Apparently he'd seen me dancing out on the floor and recognized me! Which is way cool because I totally didn't expect him to recognize me at all! The legendary Mike Emswiler know who I am?! It had to be impossible. He didn't remember my name, but he knew I had been on Chatelaines, and so we talked about what we had been doing, and school, and what Sarah's plans are, and had a really nice conversation for at least ten minutes! It made me so happy! And apparently he comes back here every summer, and has played at the lindy exchange with this band for like three years! What a small world! But it was awesome! Anyway, Mike's really good, still as amazing as ever, and intends to go to school in New Jersey now. Very cool. That will be quite a change. The only thing I realized I forgot to ask him was whether he still kept in touch with Orlando or Jeff or anyone, it would have been nice to hear about those guys too. But it was really nice to talk to him! And so exciting to see someone I knew playing in one of the three bands that will play this weekend. So cool!
Last night was absolutely amazing! There were so many good dancers there, really good. And I had some fabulous dances. That was definitely one of the best nights I've had ever, and it's been since the beginning of the summer since I've had a night that good. It was so much fun! It was really fun to dance with people from other states, because I don't get the opportunity very often, and they were all really good, and had some different moves and styling, which was really fun to play with. It was just awesome! I had such a good time! So I'm very excited for tonight, because it should be awesome again, and I'm going to wear my lindy pants, which just make me happy anyway, so it should be a good night! I love it! I hope you all are having as much fun as I am! I'll write more when I get a chance. :)


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