Saturday, March 05, 2005

Truly National

So, the Amateur Dancers magazine thing that all USABDA members get every two months has an article about us! With lots of pictures! And it's the nicest article ever! Really complimentary. So nice to know that people outside of the colleges will think of us that way. Even if we aren't truly the best in the country. But hey, we are pretty awesome. Anyway, I took pictures of the article so you can see it. They're not fabulous, I couldn't figure out how to take them without flash off the shiny paper, but you get the idea. Lots of pictures. :) Go team!

The title page. Oh, and Sandor and I are together on the right, in case you wanted to know. Posted by Hello

Pics of the article... unfortunately not terribly good ones, but you get the idea. Posted by Hello


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Yeah, I tend to skim stuff in there. If you haven't paid your USABDA dues for the year, then you're probably not getting it anymore, but if you want I can make copies or something. :) But they were very nice to us.


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