Saturday, February 19, 2005

Valentine's Day

So the short version is that my boyfriend is absolutely amazing.

The long version is this: We had rehearsal in the morning, so I saw Sandor then. But I didn't see him again until that night for dinner. I had classes from 9am to 6pm, and then I hurried back to get ready. A shower was in order, since I had just come from dance, and I had been planning on wearing my lavender sparkly dress, so I had everything basically set out. When I got out of the shower, there was a rose on my desk, and Sarra and Troy had a whole new outfit laid out for me. Which they "respectfully requested" that I wear. They were very obviously in on something. It was cute. So, I ended up wearing this amazing red top that Sarra has, and one of Troy's really cute black skirts. (They have amazing taste in clothes, and it's great when you can share!) They did my hair in these really cool twists, for which I got compliments the entire night! Thanks girls! And then I was ready to go.

Sandor was waiting for me outside with another six roses, comment on the roses: they're origami roses, so they're gorgeous, and they'll never die! He was also wearing red and black, so we matched. Which was cute. We walked into the Village for dinner at Harvard Square. Dinner was really good, but the best part was dessert. We'd somehow gotten into a discussion of chocolate mousse somewhere back a few weeks ago, and he remembered this, so dessert was chocolate mousse, and it was absolutely amazing. Probably the best I've had in a very long time. You can't compare it to the mint chocolate, because that's what we make, and it's just very very different. But this was really really good. Mmm chocolate. :)

When we left the restaurant, I thought we would be walking back to campus, but, he had his car there in the Village, which was totally surprising, and really cool! So we went to Blockbuster to pick out a movie. Which he called the "least slick" part of the evening because he didn't already have a movie waiting. I still was impressed. We chose, after some debate, The Tailor of Panama, a movie in which Pierce Brosnan plays an MI6 agent who just screws everyone over. It was kind of weird to watch, because he's Bond, but he was such a bad guy! There was also a point in the movie where things just got weird. But, overall it was a pretty good movie.

Overall it was an incredibly enjoyable evening. I'm not at all used to having someone care that much, and cater to me, so it was amazing. I only hope I can make him as happy as he makes me.


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You deserve to be spoiled, enjoy every minute. Glad you had such a lovely evening - ain't live grand when someone cares!! Aunty

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Katie is a happy girl! Thanks a lot for telling your old friend the news [NOT] (as if I told people about Rob . . . *heh*). Hooray!


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