Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Verdict Is:


So, my throat is really swollen, so that it hurts to swallow, and they thought it was strep, and put me on penicillin, and got the cultures back, turns out it's not strep. And my throat isn't any better, so, I went back in, doctor agrees that I'm not actually better, suggests that we test for mono. Comes back positive. So, I have mono. Except that it affects everyone differently, so I don't have the horrible "I'm laid flat exhausted" kind, I have the swollen throat, muscle aches, headache kind. Which really, I'm OK with. If that's what mono has to be for me, awesome. I imagine there are a lot worse things I could have.

Anyway, you can't get mono again if you've already had it, which is also awesome since Sandor has already had it. So I'm set! You-all should hope to have mono like I have if you haven't had it already.

Off to edit my research methods paper.... *sigh*


At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G and G

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Katie, Your Princess dress is beautiful and so is the one wearing it. Would love to see a picture of Sandor sometime, he sounds so very nice. Jeanette got Mono when I was in the hospital for 10 days following major surgery and it was pretty rough coming home and attempting to care for her when getting a glass of water was difficult for me, but some how did manage. Rest as much as you can and we send much love, Grandma G.


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