Monday, February 07, 2005

Scrubs in Real Life

So, I spent three and a half hours in the emergency room waiting room this morning. And the funny thing is, I don't think I've been in an emergency room since I was six. And that time I was the one getting the x-rays. But this was totally different. We finally convinced Troy that she actually really needed to go see a doctor when she was so sick that she was not able to keep water down. She had self-diagnosed herself with appendicitis, and that's really not something you want to mess with. So, Justin, Adam and I left rehearsal early, and took her to the ER of Pomona Valley Hospital, which, by the way, gets the Ugliest Hospital I've Ever Seen Award because it looks like a factory. The funny incidents of the trip were these: first, the attendant in the parking lot told us that we could park to the right or left, so we found a nice parking spot, and then had to go all the way around the building to get to the ER! It would have been nice to have been told to drive a while longer before we parked. So, we walked around to the ER, and as we're walking, we have Adam in front, and Troy in the middle of Justin and I behind, and I realized that Justin, Adam and I were all wearing our team jackets, so Troy had a posse of jacketed bodyguards. Except that Adam pointed out we made a very unlikely group of bodyguards, since she had one very small woman, one broken man, and one man who was wearing white socks with his sandals. We decided that Justin's sling was just a decoy. Obviously he was going to beat down whoever tried to attack us. It was pretty funny. The other funny thing was debating what tan colored scrubs meant. Justin decided it must be physical therapy because that's what was next door and that's where she was headed. But we really have no idea. Funny though, that you can watch a TV show, and suddenly have some sort of knowledge about what green, blue and pink colors mean (surgery, medical, and nurse, respectively).

So, we waited, and waited, and finally went back to class when Sarra came to relieve us. Hadn't found out anything except that they'd ruled out everything but appendicitis, and that Troy was going in for an MRI on her abdomen. I've been at class for three hours, and was ready to go back to waiting in the ER, when Sarra called to say that they're headed back, they've let her go. And I still have no idea what's going on! I guess I'll have to write again when they get back and I find out what the "long and complicated" story is. Crazy. Just crazy.


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