Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I Love Scripps's Administration!

Reason to go to a small college #1: The president of your college cooks you pancakes
Reason #2: The dean of faculty serves you said pancakes
Reason #3: The dean of students welcomes you to breakfast
Reason #4: The director of human resources serves you eggs
Reason #5: The entire administration from your school is in the dining hall at 8:30 in the morning, wearing tall chef's hats with their names on them!

Dean Lamkin said that apparently they do this every two years or so. I'm so sad I missed it Sophomore year! It was absolutely amazing this morning. They were so funny! Someone made them a Tips cup, and Dean Lamkin was adament that it was too small. Then President Bekavac chastised Dean Lamkin for mauling her pancakes when handling them with the tongs. It was absolutely wonderful. And then there was a debate about which bowl size was appropriate for grapefruits. Only the small grapefruit-sized bowls would do. Oh it was wonderful. Yay for small colleges and awesome people running them. I adore our administration. :)


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