Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Happy February!

So, since there is currently a rumor floating around out there, I thought I should clarify for those of you who aren't on the 5-C's. :)

I do have a boyfriend again. Sandor and I have been together for about a week and a half now, he's amazingly wonderful and sweet, and I am very happy. So, there you have it.

It's actually been really funny watching people figure out that we're together, as Vi noticed, my profile has a conversation with Stephanie in which she screeched because she was riding in the car with us and didn't realize that we were together. It was hilarious.

Anyway, that's about the latest, besides the fact that I'm busy busy again, already. It's only the third week of school! But then, most of it is stupid chemistry work, which is evil. For lab today we had to write a full formal lab, limited to a maximum of two pages!! Who limits a formal lab to two pages?! It was crazy. Size 11, .5" margins baby, and I win. But it was highly annoying to write. Science should be succinct, but that succinct seems a little overkill, even for science.

Anyway, I hope that your months are all getting off to as wonderful a start as mine has. Have fun!


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a'w00t! Congrats, you and Sandor are wonderful people, and I'm glad that I'm getting to spend mo' time with y'all on the team. Thanks for the lindy help, 's invaluable. I notice that you say that chem work is both stupid and evil. So hopefully it will be ultimately harmless against your intellect. Or, is it stupid and evil in the way that an adder is instinctively evil rather than premeditatively evil? Chem seems serpentine either way. Good luck in conquering it. :)

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

... that was me.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Chem is definitely serpentine. And I think it's more adder-like than premeditatively evil. I mean, it's not so bad, until you hit the tests, and then it bites hard. Although the constant busy work is rather annoying. That's why it's stupid, it takes up a lot of time that I feel could be better spent elsewhere.

And you're welcome for the lindy help. I'm glad it's working. You're doing really well. Come to a couple Saturday lessons, and I think we could turn you into a really good lindy hopper any day now. :)


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