Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Rain and Blah

It's raining here, not sprinkling, raining raining raining. I got SO wet this morning on the way to rehearsal! It was insane. I had to ride across a river of water that was three feet wide and about six inches deep, and there are piles of silt all over near the ballroom that were washed down from all the run-off. Insane. My sweatshirt is still wet, and my pants dried after six hours... I had a wet butt all through rehearsal, it was not comfortable. And it was pretty chilly, since I was completely drenched, even though the heat was on. *sigh* And, we had two hours of no rain, and now it's raining again. California was not meant to hold this much water all at once, it should stop. I'm not looking forward to walking down to standard, as you can probably guess.

Break was great! I got a bunch of work done, slept some, and hung out with friends, and it was really good. Lonely during the day often, but, good overall. I'm glad most everyone is back though, it's so much nicer having people around. I walked down to Andrew's by myself on Sunday night, and there was no one on the campuses it seemed like. It was a little creepy. I had people to walk back with, so it wasn't bad coming back, but it was quite the realization just how nice it is to have people around. I don't know how people live by themselves. I know I couldn't do it. I don't know what I'm going to do when I graduate!

So, I hate computers, and I hate Scripps computers, and this is why: So, I made the dance party poster yesterday afternoon, and these things, they take a while, to be all artistic. So, I get it done in like two hours, I'm pretty pleased with the results, I go to print it, and lo and behold, Scripps has deleted that program from all the computers in the lab. They no longer have an Adobe program! What in the world?! So, of course, I can't save the file as anything but an Adobe file because the program is stupid, and I can't figure out how to paste it into Paint or anything, which I know I could do before. So, I had to recreate the entire thing in Paint, which was insane, because that program is so hard to work with! It doesn't let you layer things, so once you click off of it, you can't move it. SO annoying! And when you've got things close together... gah! I was so frustrated! But, we finally got it printed, after many trials, I'll see in an hour and a half how the posters actually look. I sincerely hope they're good, for all the trouble that I went to to get them printed. Bah.

Anyway, back to the work... yay for three day weeks!


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