Monday, October 11, 2004

Yay for blue!

So, apparently people on team have a penchant for wearing the same thing on the same day. It's great! Last week, PC, Adam and Andrew all wore the green concert t-shirts from last year to rehearsal, and today, Justin, Andrew and I were all wearing blue. I was wearing my blue skirt, which, by the way is fabulously fun! Thank you so much Mommy for making it, and thank you so much Aunty for the fabric! And Emily likes it so much that she wants to borrow the pattern. :) It's a great skirt. I got lots of compliments. :) Now, realize that Andrew and Justin were not wearing blue skirts, although that would have been highly amusing, but they were both wearing blue shirts, which was cool. I just found it amusing that three people on two different occasions in the past week have done this. :)

The MOB this weekend was really fun! It was kind of strange though, because there were a lot of people there to begin with, and then they all randomly wandered away. And by the time we left, there were very few people there. It was just odd. I felt kind of bad because we didn't stay to take down, but at the same time... I've done a lot the last two years, I can take one night off. Ian was here, and it was awesome to see and dance with him again. :) Yay for wonderful dancing boys! We all went back to Lisa's suite to play charades for a while. It was so fun! I had to act out Sampson Agonistes, and is was amusing, because I tried to act out the Loch Ness monster, to get sounds like ness, and they didn't get it until after they figured out what the sound was. It was funny. Lisa had to do Ig-pay atin-lay andbook-hay, and she couldn't get them to say pig-latin! They got pig, and latin, but they thought the pigs were speaking Latin or Greek! Ahh charades.

Anyway, lots of work to do this week, so, back to it. But oh, Fall Break... it's so close! Then I can sleep! Well, some, anyway. :)


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