Thursday, September 30, 2004

Don't tell Becca, but...

I'm pregnant, by my boyfriend and we're getting married in Las Vegas in a month.

He he. Sorry, I was just amused, because I kept being chastised for putting information on here that I didn't tell her first, so she or Adam would read this, and then talk to each other, and realize that I hadn't told them, and yeah. It was pretty funny. :) And, none of the above is remotely true.

My brain is still a little mushy today, after my midterms yesterday I felt like I had been reduced to the mental capacity of a five-year-old child. It was pretty bad. But, I made it through them. Now I just have to wait to get them back, and see how many I got wrong. I know I missed at least one on both of them. *sigh* Oh well.

Things are going well though. We watched a creepy movie in Greek Tragedy yesterday. It was called the Bad Seed... fifties movie, by the same director as the Wizard of Oz. Completely different movie. Quite creepy, and I don't think I'll ever be able to hear the theme song again without being slightly creeped out. I recommend it, it's a good movie, but don't watch it alone, and definitely not at night alone. Psychopathic eight year old little girls are soooo creepy!

But maybe not quite as creepy as my hooded maniacal robot that murders people in a hooded sweatshirt with a fork in the night. ;)

Yay! Anyway, fun things, must go try to write my bio report, and hopefully my mushy brain doesn't show through too much. If it does, it's only a rough draft, but, better to do it right the first time... have fun everyone!


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come now, I knew that weeks ago! You really can't claim to be posting things secretly that I already know about! ;)

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Oh, that's right, I've been carrying Adam's babies for a while now. Of course you would know. ;)


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