Thursday, November 07, 2002

Yay! Well, I can now say that I have been to the Motley in my pajamas! :) It was funny, because Camille and I went in our plaid pajama pants and Scripps sweatshirts, and we were wearing just about the same thing and didn't notice until we got back to the room! We keep doing that, I have a picture now of the two of us when we wore the same thing one day, without even meaning to! It must be a roommate thing! I also went to a Jazz class, and it was awesome! It was ironic because I had been complaining to Sarra earlier about how much I wanted to dance today, and how there was no dancing going on, and I would just have to wander around and ask random people to dance with me (which I would never do, that was just me being funny). And then on the way to dinner, Becca tells me that there's a jazz class tonight, and for the next two Thurdays! So of course, I went! I was so excited! And it was good! We did an awesome warm-up, and stretch, so much like Chatelaines! And then we did across the floor, and learned a little routine piece! It was great! I know I am going to feel it tomorrow, but it felt so good too! I really need to do that more often. I would have liked the actual dancing part to be a little more intense, but there were people there who had obviously never done anything like what we were doing, so it couldn't be too hard. But, the stretching etc. was so nice! If I can get myself so that I will make time on Thursdays after this class is over, to stretch and warm up like that, I will keep at least a bit better in shape, and flexible! That would be good! I really should do it more often than once a week, but if once a week is all I can do, well, I'll start there! :) It was so fun though! But it really made me realize what I have been missing! Well, you can't have everything! But, if we have time, Becca and I are going to see if there's a jazz class down at Pomona that we could take next semester. That would be fun! But, the key word there is IF there is time. I don't completely know what I'm taking yet, but, with a science which has lab, I will be busier. But, it will all work out! And there's a core section on women in Greek myth next semester! That's exciting, because it would be really fun to take! I have to look at the other ones, but hopefully there are more good ones! I love dance! :) Camille has a prospie tonight, who went off with two of her friends, and one Scripps student to a party at Pitzer, we think, and they still aren't back yet! I know I was out late when I came to spend the night, but I was with my host, and she was showing me the dorms! I would never have thought to go off to a college party alone, even with my high school friends! I still don't go to parties alone, and I'm in college! But, she's a different person. Oh well, what can you do? I've had really good luck with having really nice prospies, I'm so glad. I think Camille's a bit sad that her prospie isn't that fun. Hopefully she'll have a better one next time!


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