Wheee! Well, a lot has happened since I last posted. I have a boyfriend, I've worked a wedding reception, I've gone to several baseball games, been a server, read a whole bunch of books. Lots of stuff! I'm keeping busy, dancing and working and reading, and talking to Jonah on the phone and online, and over e-mail. Phone is our favorite, although that's not available all the time, so we settle for the other two. Thank goodness for cell phones with free long distance! That's so wonderful!! And we've had two different days of e-mail conversation, where we write back to each other, and keep the conversation going. Both times he's been at work though, which makes me scared that he's going to get himself in trouble, but apparently no one's cared so far! Which is good, although I try not to write to him during work anymore. Ah well. Yes, lots of stuff. Work is going well, we've had all kinds of tournaments going on and stuff. Things were a little bit crazy this week, so there was no server at lunch, so the three of us who were there, who were all bussers, had to serve lunch, so we each got to serve a table. It was fun, although a little stressful. But I also knew the people I was serving. That made it really fun. It seems like such a long time before I go back to school, and yet I know the time is going to fly. I'm almost wishing it does, and yet, I wish I could spend more time with my family. Working makes that hard. Oh well, the price of growing up and needing money, I guess. Have a great summer everyone! :)
Stellar's Scripts
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.