Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Easter & Research

Easter was fabulous! There was no asparagus this year though, sadly. But the rice pilaf was fantabulous as always! Sooo good. Sarra's dad is an amazing cook. We had leg of lamb, which was really good too. He barbecued it. Yummy. Good food, good company, Ian came down again, which was fun. And we had a really good time, although it was a little tight getting back in time for rehearsals that we had scheduled, and we even made them later on purpose. It was just too nice to be off campus. And it was a gorgeous day too.

The dinner table. Notice the napkins... ;) Posted by Hello

This picture isn't really necessary, but it was so cute I had to post it anyway!

The boys on Easter. Posted by Hello

But, it's back to the insanity of classes and work. I feel like all I ever do is research anymore. Searching for literature on different topics. I'm working on one experiment, and I'm trying to get started finding the literature for another project for methods, and it's just a little insane. That class is so crazy! But, I'm doing decently well so far, so I've just got to keep it going. Get through this really crazy month when we're gearing up for Concert and every class seems to think lots of work is the way to go. *shakes head* I don't want to do any more! Blah. Anyway, back to work... should start writing up some of this research I've done...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


So, I'm back, have been since a week ago, but I've been a little busy. Getting lots and lots of work done so that I can keep getting lots of sleep. Unfortunately, there was a lot more work that needed to be done since Monday, of course! But, here's the story:

Vegas was absolutely fabulous! The house was amazing! Here are some pictures:

The kitchen is actually clean for once! Posted by Hello

The master bedroom. It's huge! With a closet bigger than my dorm room! Posted by Hello

Fun times were had in this room. Posted by Hello

It was absolutely huge, and looked like a designer had come in and chosen all the furniture, it was incredible. And everything was so high tech! The frige that you see in the picture, it had a lock on the water dispenser that we never did figure out how to turn off. It also alarmed at you if the door was open for longer than 30 seconds. The pool had its own motion sensor, and there was at least a CD player if not an entire multi-media set in every room it seemed. It was a little insane. But, fun, to say the least. I never did go in the pool, but there was a pool and a hot tub out back. I enjoyed playing cards and other games with people too much to go outside.

Enough about the house, I did play a lot of games, and really enjoyed getting to know some really fabulous people that I hadn't really met before. Of course, they're all seniors and will be leaving in two months, which really kind of sucks, but I'm really glad I got to know them, at least we have two months! It was pretty funny, Reid looked over at me while we were playing cards the first night and asked, "So, I know your name is Katie, but besides Sandor's girlfriend, who are you?!" I was amused. Turns out he's from Gig Harbor. Small world.

We wandered the Strip two nights while we were there, it was a lot of fun. I spent a lot of time with Lori and Liz and David, although Reid joined us on the first night. Lori had never been to Vegas, so we wandered through all the big name casinos to let her look at them. It was a lot of fun. And, in doing so, I got to go through the Bellagio, which I hadn't done before. That's the one with the Chihuly glass ceiling (see picture below), and this fabulous room filled with real flowers and fake butterflies!

The Chihuly ceiling in the Bellagio. Posted by Hello

The Bellagio Butterfly room. Posted by Hello

Those flowers? Yeah, they're real. Smelled heavenly in there! It was absolutely amazing. The Bellagion might be my favorite casino at this point. It's just amazingly elegant and very cool. Lori and I thoroughly enjoyed wandering through as much of it as we could. So much fun!

Anyway, when we got back here, we did work, but we watched some Scrubs and Alias, and went to the nickel arcade too, so it was fun. Although I really wasn't ready to go back to classes on Monday. *sigh* Oh well, it's back to insanity until May... the end will come incredibly soon I know, but I have to make it through first. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Off to Vegas

I'm headed to Vegas for the next four or five days, so you won't hear from me until we get back. I hope you all have wonderful weeks while I'm gone! I will have fun definitely. :)

Friday, March 11, 2005


I'm done with everything and it's Spring Break time! Whee! I'm sooo excited! My papers are done, my chem exam is over, I'm done! Of course, that means that there's still lots to do, because there's a ton of stuff due the week after break, and I should start on the big projects that are due after that. I intend to try, but we'll see how much gets done. I really need a break. Gotta love college though. It's not Spring Break anymore; it's: Spring Week off of Classes Work Time. *sigh* Whatever, I'm going to Vegas for a couple days. And I'm not going to do anything work related things for the rest of today! Sooo exciting! Yay for break!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Truly National

So, the Amateur Dancers magazine thing that all USABDA members get every two months has an article about us! With lots of pictures! And it's the nicest article ever! Really complimentary. So nice to know that people outside of the colleges will think of us that way. Even if we aren't truly the best in the country. But hey, we are pretty awesome. Anyway, I took pictures of the article so you can see it. They're not fabulous, I couldn't figure out how to take them without flash off the shiny paper, but you get the idea. Lots of pictures. :) Go team!

The title page. Oh, and Sandor and I are together on the right, in case you wanted to know. Posted by Hello

Pics of the article... unfortunately not terribly good ones, but you get the idea. Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Verdict Is:


So, my throat is really swollen, so that it hurts to swallow, and they thought it was strep, and put me on penicillin, and got the cultures back, turns out it's not strep. And my throat isn't any better, so, I went back in, doctor agrees that I'm not actually better, suggests that we test for mono. Comes back positive. So, I have mono. Except that it affects everyone differently, so I don't have the horrible "I'm laid flat exhausted" kind, I have the swollen throat, muscle aches, headache kind. Which really, I'm OK with. If that's what mono has to be for me, awesome. I imagine there are a lot worse things I could have.

Anyway, you can't get mono again if you've already had it, which is also awesome since Sandor has already had it. So I'm set! You-all should hope to have mono like I have if you haven't had it already.

Off to edit my research methods paper.... *sigh*

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


So, I haven't posted or written or anything for a while because I've been incredibly busy! I spent the entire weekend doing work it seems. And even though that's not true (I spent Friday afternoon playing bridge, and then Friday night with the dance party and did lindy for two hours on Sat. and rehearsal for two hours on Sunday) it seems like it. But, I certainly got a lot done. And that meant that I didn't completely stress and freak in the last two days when I had tons of stuff due. It was a little crazy, I had the discussion and another assignment for Methods due on Monday plus a chem problem set. Then Tuesday I had a formal lab, a prelab, and a page-long stats results write-up due. Today I had a major exam in my Methods class. That class is too crazy, there's always so much intensity and things going on. It just needs to die. But anyway, yes, so lots of studying for the exam and lots and lots and lots of writing. Which takes a lot of time. *sigh*

But, it's over. It was not happy today though, because we got out of physio psych late, so I had to hurry across campus to get to Methods, and when I got there, right at 1:15 which is when class starts, there are already people working on the exam. Totally not fair! According to Danielle, people had started before 1:10. But anyway, the exam took until 2:40. The entire class with the exception of three people were still writing ten minutes after class had ended. It was soooo long! And I had spent the entirety of my noon class taking notes, then going straight to the longest exam ever! My hand is dead. I don't even know why I'm typing. I should go do something that doesn't involve my hands at all.... except that that's kind of hard to find. Oh well. I'll live. Prof. Wood commented that they had apparently underestimated the time it would take us to write things out. APPARENTLY! *shakes head* Hopefully I did well. I studied enough, I knew everything I was supposed to, but I could have spent probably another 45 minutes writing. By the end I spent only 10 minutes on the last essay because I didn't have more time than that. I know I could have done a better job. But it wasn't worth as many points, so I don't feel as bad, but still. Perfectionist... you all know me. *angel face*

But yes, so insanity is ... well, not quite over, I have to re-write my entire methods paper over the weekend. But, at least that's the only major thing for next week that's due so far. *sigh* This semester is so work-heavy. I dislike. Make it go away please?


Muahahahaha! I win! I have finally downloaded program to let me put picutres on here! And now you can all see my pretty pretty princess dress. :) Just look below. And I shall now be able to share pictures here whenever I want to! How nice!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures. :)

Dancing in the princess dresses. Adam and I are in the middle. And yes, we're supposed to still be dancing and different from everyone else. :) Posted by Hello

Here's the Pretty Princess Dress! Posted by Hello