Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holidays and Oregon

Well, I'm in Oregon for a week, and using a computer in the place I'm staying, so posts will be brief, if there are any more at all this week.

I had a great Christmas, my sister gave me a car. A 2005 Mustang. It's soooo awesome! I also got cute rainboots, which I am happily wearing all over the place. A certificate to Barnes and Noble, some very nice jewelry, and various other lovely gifts. It was fun. Someone said that women are like fish because they both like shiny objects. I was amused. But the car. I really can't get over it.

Unfortunately, as my sister is 14, she can't actually afford a car. So, I got a lovely drawing of one. It really is a nice piece of artwork. I'm very excited to hang it on a wall somewhere once I have the ability to transport it.

It was so stormy last night that the wind was blowing the large heavy plastic cooler off the deck. So we had to go and rescue it at 1:30 in the morning. And when I say we, I mean my parents. :) It was quite crazy. Needless to say, the waves were high this morning. But even so, we went out and walked on the beach. Only got chased by the waves once, but saw a young boy get all wet because he raced the waves and lost.

I lost the two games we played this afternoon spectacularly, so I'm on a losing streak. Neither the cards nor the dice were being nice to me. I got a Yatzee, but I couldn't get anything else. It was rather sad. But amusing to me nonetheless. At some point I just stop trying to win, and end up trying to lose. It's good times.

I'll be spending New Year's here, so if anyone is in the Seaside area, I would love to know. You should call me. Because I won't be back here probably. But, I hope you are all having fabulous holidays, and I'm sure I'll be back with more stories.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Financial Theorem

This was printed in the paper. So it must be true.

Engineers, teachers, programmers and scientists can never earn as much salary as business executives and sales people. This theorem can now be supported by a mathematical equation based on the following three postulates:

Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power (Knowledge = Power)

Postulate 2: Time is Money (Time = Money)

Postulate 3 (as every physics student knows): Power = Work/Time

It therefore follows:
Knowledge = Work/Time

And since Time = Money, we have:
Knowledge = Work/Money

Solving for Money we get:
Money = Work/Knowledge

Thus, as knowledge approaches zero, Money aproaches infinity, regardless of the amount of work done. Conclusion: The less you know, the more you make.

Obviously I'm just too intelligent to make much money. ;) Hah!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Quite the Party

So, Friday was our dance party. We spent a little over an hour decorating for it, and I think it turned out very well indeed. Thanks to all those who helped me decorate! It was also the best dance party this school year in my opinion. Partly because we had so many awesome alumni who came. :) Yay for boys! And yay for space to dance too. It was much less crowded than before, and that was really nice. And also, because I can lead now, I could dance standard whenever I wanted, I just had to find a willing girl. Lisa bravely followed my bronze tango leading. She did a really good job, for not knowing the routine at all, and having to follow purely on what I was doing, which isn't always very clear. But it was fun!

We performed our new 3 couple cheezy foxtrot. There was so much cheese, but it was great. People really really liked it, so that's awesome. And we got to wear the pretty dresses!! (Pictures to come...) Even Chris said we did a great job, apparently we had really good unison. Which is awesome, because that never happened in our old foxtrot.

But probably the funniest part was that I went back into our back changing room after the party to check and make sure we'd gotten all the costumes and costume pieces, and there's this strapless bra hanging there. I looked at it, and I thought it was probably Stephi's, since we had been wearing strapless bras for our performance. And so I picked it up and took it with me. But of course, she had already left, so I figured I would just take it to her at rehearsal. Well, we didn't have rehearsal Monday, so I had to wait until rehearsal today to give it to her. She walks into the ballroom this morning, and I said good morning, and then asked her if she'd left her bra at the dance party by chance. She thought for a moment, and then decided that indeed she had, and so I gave it to her. Of course, people started joking about what kind of a party we were having in the back room, which was awesome. Apparently it was a better party than I thought. ;) I was just glad it actually was Stephi's bra and that I hadn't just stolen someone else's!

So, classes are over, the last project is turned in, and all I have left now are finals. Which is kind of crazy. And yet, these finals are not going to be easy I don't imagine, so... we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!