Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Vegas and Video

So, I'm now 21, don't feel that much older, but hey, does one ever? And I can now say I have both drunk and gamboled in Vegas. My girls got me a mai tai, which was horribly strong, and I lost seventy-five cents (which is all I spent in the first place). So yes, I've done both, although probably not to the extent that one would assume. :) But, since I was still trying to kill myself by coughing up a lung, we went to bed before midnight. The show that we went there to see was absolutely incredible though. Cirque du Soleil's Ka. There really aren't words. It was great. They had a platform on hydraulics that was absolutely incredible. It could rotate, and go upright, and they did all kinds of things all over it, when it was vertical, at an angle... it was amazing! I highly recommend it. So so amazingly cool! We had a really good time. And we looked really hott. We even got some random guys asking us to marry them. We declined the offer. I'm saving myself for something better. ;)

Also, just in case you don't know, the video of our latin medley is up on the website. You have to download it at the moment, and the large version takes a while, but if you want to see us, it's worth it. :) We were really good. And it's a fun routine. Anyway, it's up at http://www.claremont.edu/org/ballroom/ohio/
And pictures will be there as soon as Adam gets more than just mine. :) Enjoy the show!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Appreciation of Voice Time....

So, I have a cold, and have no voice, I can kind of croak sometimes. But it's sad. And apparently makes Becca shudder, so I've taken to communicating purely through IM, or making a game of charades out of everything. Apparently I'm very entertaining. Hopefully I will get better soon, since I want to be able to talk again! There's nothing like loosing what you have to make you appreciate it more. *sigh*

Monday, November 22, 2004

Drum roll please


I am so incredibly excited! It was such an amazingly fun weekend! We left Thursday night, at nine fifteen, and drove to LAX. We had the red-eye to Minneapolis, and then a layover of about an hour I think. I don't actually know, because I slept on the airport floor, and apparently my eyes were open part of the time, even though I was asleep, I didn't know I could sleep with my eyes open! We had played cards on the plane ride to Minneapolis, and then tried to sleep, but Andrew kept moving, so neither Kaitlin nor I actually got any sleep, although Andrew says he did. How he did, I have no idea. I did sleep some on the flight from Minneapolis to Columbus though. Which was really nice. We got into Columbus and everyone was really hungry and tired, but we had to practice on the floor that afternoon, and decided it would be better to practice first and then sleep. So, we went and got our fifteen passenger van, which was red this year, and crowded in. It wasn't quite as cozy because five people went with Carey and his family. Carey lives in Columbus, so that was very convenient. So four of the seniors decided they would rather stay in a house than with us in the hotel. Personally, I think they missed out. But hey, whatever works. It did make the van much more comfortable though. It was an adventure getting out of the parking lot! We had to tell Chris where the signs were, and then he missed a turn, and we had to back up and turn around... it was impressive. That van is humongous.

We got to the hotel, dropped our stuff,and then went to the little fast food place right there for lunch. It had decently good sandwiches, and Troy and I split a sour cream doughnut hole because we thought it sounded so interesting. We also learned that if you get something to go, you don't have to pay sales tax on it. Interesting Ohio quirks. So, we went to the convention center and practiced for a while. We were all so exhausted that it wasn't a fabulous rehearsal, but apparently it still looked decently good. Chris was impressed with us. The floor was sticky this year. It was so different from last year, when we were slipping all over the place. I wish it had been in between, although I'd take the sticky over the slippery.

We went back to the hotel, and I showered and then we were all going to take a nap, except that Troy had a friend of hers from high school who was in the area come over, and they were talking in the hall, except that it was really loud, so Kaitlin and I made them go into our room, and moved into Andrew and Sandor's room, since they were the only two in there, and they were sleeping. It was so funny, because Andrew woke up and looked at us as we came in, and we each took a side of one of the beds. And we slept for a couple hours. But apparently, Sandor and Andrew had no recollection of us coming in. They both woke up and were wondering why there was a girl in their bed. It was really funny. So we had to explain. We got up and went to Carey's house for dinner, because his parents were kind enough to cook for all of us. We had quiche, and salad, and really good cake. It was so so nice of them to do that. We had a good time too. We learned that apparently Carey dressed as George Washington for two years, every day, because he thought Lincoln got too much attention and Washington deserved more. That's impressive, for a six year old. Now I know where he gets his political tendencies.

We slept well that night, and were up at nine the next morning to get ready. We got there in plenty of time to finish getting ready and mess around for a while before the west coast swing competition. It was very sad, we found out that they had moved a bunch of stuff around, so they put lindy on Sunday at the very end. It was horrible! Because we weren't going to be able to stay until the end, we had to catch a plane! But, we found out when we got there that they had to be completely done with everything by five on Sunday, so we were hoping that maybe just maybe we'd get to stay and compete. If they ran it early enough. Andrew and I were really hopeful. We competed WC, and made it to the semi-final round, which was awesome. We were the only couple to do so, so I was very happy. It would have been nice to have made it to the final round, but, our last dance they put on groovy lindy music, and we couldn't not do lindy styling, so I think that's why we got cut. There's video somewhere though, so I'll get to watch and see what we actually looked like. I think we looked good though. :)

We went across the street to North Market for lunch. It's kind of like a farmers market, kind of. There's a huge building, with all kinds of vendors, except most of them are cooked food, and they're all permanent. It was really good. They had some fun choices. We went back to the comp afterward, and watched Lukas and Stephanie compete bronze standard. I got ready for gold, and was ready way way early again. Lukas and Stephi did really well! They made it through several rounds, which was awesome! No one's done that in standard before. Adam and I and Justin and Ari didn't get called back at all in standard. It was sad. I totally messed up the waltz, so I felt really bad, but it wasn't surprising we didn't get called back for waltz / quickstep, but we were disappointed that we didn't get called back for tango/foxtrot because we did well on those. *sigh* Oh well. We tried. It was rush and get ready for medley time then. And I got ready as quickly as I could, and ran out just as they were finishing running through stuff. I'm kind of glad I missed it, because I hate running through things before and then messing something up. It's so nerve wracking. But, I really should have warmed up more, because I regretted it later.

We were to go third out of six teams. The first team was a standard medley. They were alright. A four couple routine, there's not a lot you can do with four couples. Six is much better. Our standard medley would have beat them no problem whatsoever. Then, came Irvine (Wes's team). They came out of the back hallway, so no one had seen them in costume before. It was incredibly intimidating! The girls were in white unitards with strips of white fabric for their skirts. They had a black tassle attached to the hood of the unitard, and white face paint with black eye and lip makeup. The men were dressed in black with a piece of fabric wrapped Japanese style around their heads. They were... impressive. The lifts they did at the beginning were really amazing. We got a little intimidated by the whole thing, and decided that we needed to get into place, so we missed a good chunk of their medley because we were moving. But, from what I saw, it wasn't as good after the lifts at the beginning. We were next. And we had the crowd from the start. It was awesome! They were cheering so loudly almost the entire time! Everything worked well it seemed, our formations, our moves, it all seemed to work. PC and I lost hands at one point, we were sweaty, but it didn't do anything at all, so that was good! It wasn't the best I've danced it. But it was good. And I was so excited when we got off the floor. Oh, and it was really funny, in the routine, there are two places where we're supposed to put our skirts back down. (You'll understand when you see the dresses and the routine.) But I forgot the second time, and realized a few seconds later that my skirt was up really really high! Fortunately there was a perfect move right then to pull it down again, but it was really funny. Anyway, it was a great performance. The audience loved it. It was good. We were just hoping the judges liked it as much as the audience did.

As we walked around the floor, there was another team waiting, and they were telling us how great we were, and one girl said "great music" to me. I thought she just liked Bond music. No, they had two of the same songs, in an almost-Bond-themed routine. I felt so incredibly bad for them! We totally blew them out of the water. It's a good feeling, but I'm sad for them, since they had to follow us. But yes, the other teams were... no match for us. There was a showteam from ASU, which had like fifteen couples, and amazing formations, they didn't have much in the way of dance though, so we weren't too worried about them. Except that their formations were amazing. But basically it was between us and Irvine. Sandor kept assuring me there was no way we wouldn't win. But I couldn't believe it until we actually heard it. And when they announced Irvine as second, and us as first, it was so incredibly exciting! So so so exciting! We did it again! We did it.

We also had excitement between medley and the awards. We were taking lots of pictures, and at one point the guys decided we needed pictures of our lift at the beginning, so we were up, and apparently Troy came down a little too hard in a funky position, and thought she had broken her foot! So Andrew and I booked it down to the food court and got ice for her. It was a long way! And I felt bad, because Andrew has asthma, and he's sick, and so it was not a happy run for him. But, Troy was thankful, and that's what really mattered. She's fine. No major damage, she was up and walking again that night, which was good. But it was scary for a while.

So, we went and had dinner at Boston Market, and then went to see the professional show. Sandor and I made snarky comments about costumes to each other the entire time, which was really fun! And it was amazing to see them dance. They are so good. There was one couple who did a tango to Beethoven's Fifth. It was amazing! I didn't know you could tango to that! And her dress was gorgeous! It was black with green rhinestones. Such a cool effect. Some of the dresses were really hideous though. We left before the end of the awards, and went back to the hotel, where Kaitlin, Becca, Andrew, Sandor and I ended up talking and goofing around for a while. It was so much fun!

Sunday we got up, and got breakfast, got packed and took everything to the competition. They were running well ahead of schedule, so that was really exciting. Sandor and I competed latin, did fairly well, but didn't get called back. It was an adventure out there on the floor. It was really crowded. And I accidentally smacked some girl. I felt really bad. But she was alright. Which was good. None of the couples competing silver got called back, but our gold couples did, which was exciting! They were so good! But they didn't make it past the second round because none of the judges looked at them! It was so frustrating! They got majorly jipped. It was so sad. At that point, it was time to pack things up and go to the airport, which was really sad because we didn't get to do team match or lindy. So, no really pretty dress, and no lindy with Andrew. I'm most sad about the lindy, because all the boys who know Lindy graduate this year, and then I won't have anyone to compete with. And dang it, we would have done really really well! Because Andrew won it last year, and I got third.... and we're better now. *sigh* Oh well. In SF. We've decided. It's lindy domination there.

The flight back was uneventful, except that I started loosing my voice. And, we were watching Die Another Day, and got to like the last five minutes, and then Chris's computer died. It was really funny. We got back, and went to bed, since it was about one in the morning. It turns out, I'm actually sick. I have absolutely no voice today, and a cough, and my muscles are really sore in my neck and back. But other than that, I feel great. I'm going to get my work done and get to bed though. I want to get rid of this. I want to be able to talk again! Sign language is so frustrating sometimes! But yay! The weekend was awesome! The team was amazing. I love these guys! :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Can anything in my life go right? Ever?!

It's the day before we leave for Ohio, and I can't seem to do anything right in dance. PC and I ended up on the ground in the middle of the medley! Adam and I can't get things together for our individual events, Sandor and I haven't practiced anything in a week and a half, and I can't do my footwork right for the life of me. And I've had more people tell me to smile bigger than ever in my life. Gee, I wonder why I'm not completely cheesy smile the entire time?!

Registration sucks, they're trying to keep me from graduating by putting all the classes I need to take at the exact same time!

And I'm just trying to get things done and do them well. And everything's wrong.

You should probably take all of this with a grain of salt, since I'm way stressed over Ohio. There's just so much pressure. To do well. And I'm so frustrated. I just had to vent. Sorry.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Queen Says....

OK, so a couple things happened yesterday that I find absolutely hilarious, and had to share.

The first is that I had a letter in my mailbox! Now, it's always exciting to get mail. But I opened it up, and it's an envelope from Pomona College, addressed to me, at "# 564 Mallott." There are a couple things wrong with this. The first is that they spelled Malott wrong. The second, and most important is that Malott is our dining hall, and I don't live there. So I open up the letter, being very curious as to what in the world is going on, and inside there's a letter addressed to Pomona Classics Majors. I'm not a Classics major, nor am I a Pomona student, so the whole thing was just highly amusing. As Adam pointed out to me later, there are only two Classics majors at Pomona, and they probably wanted more than two people to take the survey, but still. I'm a Pomona Classics major that lives in "Mallott" guys. Didn't know that about me, did ya? ;)

The second thing is that PC and I won the Polka competition at the lab comp. yesterday. It was soooo funny. Yesterday morning, I sat down next to PC, and said, so, about this polka, and he was like, yeah, about it. Realize, we hadn't danced polka together in a year. But, as he pointed out. The last time we did polka, we'd never danced together before, and we still got third. So, we decided we'd just wing it. So, I get there, and realize that we're wearing the same color scheme, which was awesome. Unintentional, but awesome. (We seem to do this a lot. It's funny.) So, we make up our entrance on the fly, he's trying to do every dance but polka, and I'm chastising him for doing the wrong thing. It was amusing. We start dancing, and we even had to pull out our signature move, which was to split and go around both sides of a couple in front of us. It was great. So, we made it to the second round, and this time, we pulled out the pushups. I made PC get down on the floor and do pushups. It was absolutely amazing, and I maintain that this is why we won. :) We also pulled off the split again, the second time better than before, and did some other crazy stuff, like having me run around him. And then fell down on the floor and went to "sleep" at the end. It was soooooo fun! And totally made up on the spot. But it worked! We had people laughing, and we won! So PC and I are the King and Queen of Polka for the semester. We'll hope to hang onto our titles next semester as well. It was so much fun! PC is awesome. :)

The last thing that was amusing was that I managed to get lipstick on the back of Andrew's shirt during the medley. This actually was not as hard as it sounds, although it's still slightly impressive considering we're in front of the guys most of the time. So, there's a part at the very beginning of the routine where the guys put their arms above their heads, and we're behind them. Well, Andrew' normally leans back just a little, so I was prepared for that. The problem was that he's not normally wearing a tux shirt that puffs. So the shirt puffed, and I wasn't quite far enough away, so there was a little red lipstick line on the back of his shirt for the rest of the performance. I feel so bad! But the funny thing is that I realized this happens often. It seems like every time I'm wearing competition lipstick, I manage to get it on at least one guy I'm dancing with. I know I've done it to Matt a couple times, maybe Ian once, and possibly Andrew as well. It's just really funny. I should just go around kissing everyone before I perform, then maybe I won't get it on their shirts, since they'll already have lipstick from me on them. ;)

Monday, November 08, 2004


So, if Andrew goes to grad school at the UW, he will have a house from his parents to live in, and will need housemates. If Adam goes to grad school at the UW, he needs a place to stay. The comment was made tonight that they could be housemates. That amuses me so much! I can't decide if they'd kill each other, or if because they'd rarely see each other, they'd be perfect. It's just too funny! *sigh* I love those boys.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Reaction to Reactions

Having just finished reading the thread on Ian's blog, having seen Lisa's post on her own, and having had several political discussions the last couple days, I feel compelled to put some of this here. However, knowing me as most of you do, don't be surprised that the views contained herein will probably not be as stong as you might want them to be. I do play the middle ground, that's my haunt, and if you don't know this by now, well.... I don't know what to tell you.

First, yes, I was disappointed that Bush won. I dislike and do not approve of many of the things that have been going on in our country over the past four years. And I do not necessarily look forward to another four years of him in office. However, I feel many of the reactions that I have seen are extreme in their own way. The posters that appeared on the third that said something to the effect of: "Wear black in mourning for the country that we could not save" and the general reactions of the country's going to die, we're all going to die, and I'm going to move to England all strike me as overboard. I in fact dislike them more than I dislike having Bush in office. In a few conversations I've had, I've come to realize that perhaps this view is due partly to the fact that although I voted for Kerry, and although I did hope he would win, I also had a very strong feeling that he wouldn't. Why, I can't explain to you exactly, I'm not the best informed on politics, but it just seemed that it wasn't going to happen. Apparently this view is different from many people, they had much higher hopes that Kerry would win, and in so having, were sorely disappointed when Bush won again. Be that as it may, I don't think that our country is going to spontaneously combust because Bush is in office. Doomsday is not here. We're not going to die. At least, I certainly hope not. And if I am wrong, well, that'll be a very sad day for everyone. Perhaps this is just me being the eternal optomist that I am, but I feel like we made it through four years of Bush without completely collapsing, and yes, many bad things happened, but, if we made it through that, I think we can make it through another four years. It can be done, it will have to be done, and perhaps when these four years are over, America will be more ready to take on someone as its leader who will not cause such aversion among people.

I also feel that, if that many people around the nation feel that Bush would be the best man to lead the country, perhaps there's something to that. Our electoral system is set up the way it is for a reason, so that the majority of the people get what they want. That, however, is the majority of the people who vote, and not everyone does. This I do have issues with, although it is most likely better that voting is not required because while I am not the most informed person when it comes to politics, there are certainly people less informed than I am, and it would be a bad idea to have them vote if they had no idea what was going on. Anyway, more what I'm trying to say is that I don't think Bush can be as absolutely horrible as he's often made out to be.

The colleges are a very liberal environment, I realize that. And I suppose I should have expected the vehement reaction that the re-election of Bush would initiate, considering I basically expected him to win. However, it was unexpected, and while I agree with the reaction in general, I disagree with the extreme to which it's been taken, and it makes me sad. Perhaps I play the middle ground too much, try to make too many people happy when politics isn't something that can really make anyone very happy, but I feel that things are often taken a bit too far. But then I read the, for the most part, logical arguments on Ian's blog, and it makes me realize that people are still discussing things rationally, and that perhaps the actual reaction is not quite as extreme as it seems. That's what I hope. For no good ever came of extreme reactions, only in moderation can things be accomplished.

Anyway, enough of my semi-political rants and rambles. Have a good night everyone.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Bush won, on the same day of a chemistry exam. Oh it was a fabulous day I tell you. Just peachy.

On the up side, I finally feel like we might actually be ready by the time we have to go to Ohio. The medley is pulling together, slowly, and there's still a heck of a lot of cleaning to be done, but it's getting there. We'll see how the performance next Wed. goes. Hopefully well. Cross your fingers for us!

We're stoning the dresses this weekend. They will end up being gorgeous, if we have enough rhinestones to do them all. Hopefully we do! So sparkly! :)

On another note, PC and I will be competing in the polka competition at the lab next Wed. Just for fun. Of course, the last time we competed polka together, it was because Justin ditched me and PC took his place, we ended up getting third. Based on the fact that PC did push-ups, I think. ;) We'll have to come up with something even better this time, and take down the monopoly Lisa has created on winning the polka competitions!