So it's been a while, and a ton has happened! We won Nationals! The Claremont Colleges Ballroom Dance Team is the National Collegiate Champions in Formation Ballroom Dance!! For the THIRD year in a row! And we beat Wes's team. That was an interesting experience. They were on the same plane going over as we were, and we saw them around, tried to be friendly. But it's weird when Wes wasn't exactly being very nice. Anyway, we have a rather large trophy now. And Matt and I place third in the Lindy, Ian and Stephanie placed second and Andrew and Kay placed first! Claremont swept that one. And really, we should have had first through fourth, because Jon and Ashleigh got eliminated due to number problems, which was really really sad. They are incredibly good and deserved to win. It's even more sad because it's their last year. Oh well. Such is life. Jonah and Kay placed fifth, just ahead of Jerome and Tracy in the novice standard competition, which was amazing to watch. The were both really good, and the other couples were amazing. We learned that in syllabus events, everyone dances way down below the level they should be at. Which was kind of sad for us, since we were dancing where we should have been, and got knocked out of the running all the time because there were people lots better than us, but just because they should have been in gold. Now we know! :) It was a lot of fun anyway, a crazy trip, but a ton of fun! Then we had Thanksgiving and my birthday, that was a crazy week! Thank you for the gifts everyone! :) I had lots of fun at Jonah's uncle's. Got to help cook some of the dishes, Jonah made pumpkin pies. It was fun. Then back to school and craziness! There's all kinds of work now. Two research papers, another paper to write. I've got one research mostly done now, and the other paper is done. The second research paper is getting researched.... it'll all get done somehow. And this weekend there's a MOB, a dance party, and we're going to Caltech to compete again with the medley. See if we can't blow the local competition away as well as the national. :) It's so fun! Anyway, I should go do things again! See you all soon!
Stellar's Scripts
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.