Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pictures Finally!

OK, so I failed at posting pictures of my dress, but now they're actually there on the Holiday Party post. Sorry it took so long!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Who knew that meat is the most shoplifted product in America. And guess who's stealing it? Working women. Pretty funny stories. I highly recommend the read.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sleep Clinic Stories

So, the sleep clinic is on the same floor as our office. Unfortunately, our office is immediately at the top of the stairs, and sometimes visitors fail to realize that if you turn to the right you can go around the stairs and reach the sleep clinic and other offices on the second floor.

Today I had a man come in and say "I'm looking for Barbara."
"Ok sir, are you looking for the sleep clinic?"
"No. I'm looking for Barbara who is at the sleep clinic."

Right. So, you're looking for the sleep clinic. Is this really a hard deduction to make? I'm amused.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Silly Kids

So, we are spending an entire day rescoring assessments that have been given to the kids in our study. Currently, these are my favorite answers:

After reading an entire story about how a dragon and a man cooperated to make a lake larger:
What lesson could be learned from this story? "That dragons are friendly and they exist."

Why did the milk fall down? "The dog fell into it"

After reading a story about Baobob trees:
What would be a good title for this story?
"The boba tree"

What does police mean?
"They arrest people and can see in the dark."

Maybe if I become a policewoman I'll be able to see in the dark and perhaps someday I'll run into a friendly dragon. :)