Let's see, this week has been crazy! Too much stuff going on! Too many group projects! Ahh! These first two weeks are insane! But the thing is is that it's not going to get any better, because there's only six weeks of school left, and there's so much stuff to do! Six weeks?! When did that happen?! Anyway, it will all work out I hope! So, today we had competition lab, which is the mock competition so that students in the classes can get the feel of what a real competition would be like, except that real competitions are very different! There's not quite so much running around, and WE don't have to wear the numbers! Today I had three numbers! One of which came off while dancing! I made it into the finals for all the dances that I was competing in! That was very exciting! I placed sixth in the polka, fourth in the cha-cha, and first in the tango! :) So, this is now the diary of the tango champion of the Claremont Colleges! ;) It was really fun! Andrew's awesome at tango, so that helped a lot! Ian was my tango for polka, and then both of his partners made it into the final, so he chose to dance with Nicole, and so Phillip volunteered to be my partner for the final round, and it went OK, but I could have done better I think with Ian. Oh well. That's OK. Lisa and her partner won, so that was awesome! Lisa also took my place as the East Coast Swing Champion for this semester. That was good! She's really cute! :) Let's see, I wore my new skirt, and one of my new leos, and I had to keep changing skirts for cha-cha and tango, it was crazy! There was one incredibly quick change, besides the one between our campus team performance, and the polka! I got canged, went and put my costume away, grabbed my other number, and had Ian pin it on while I buckled my shoes as we were called on the floor! It was crazy! But, the performance went really really well! That was the best we have ever done it, and it was great! Apparently we did very well! That's what I heard from tour team members anyway. Which is nice! I'm glad! It felt good anyway! It was such a fun and awesome day! Yay! And we're meeting to play games in a while! So there's more fun to come! :) Yay! I wish there was more dancing! I could do that! :)
Stellar's Scripts
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Saturday, March 29, 2003
Friday, March 14, 2003
Well, let's see, the weather was gorgeous all week, and then true to the forecast, it's cloudy today, It's supposed to rain apparently. I'm hoping it won't! I'd rather not have a Seattle weather send off. Although, it wouldn't be a terrible thing. But, since Camille's at the beach, I don't think she would appreciate that very much! It's been a crazy week! Midterms, and homework, and stuff. I am so ready for break! I need some sleep! We went to Lindygroove last night! It was really fun! And Argentine Tango again, and Adam came this time. We're bringing in more guys, and this time, the ratio was closer, which was nice. :) Lindy on Tuesday was back again. That made me very happy! Almost everyone was there, so, that was wonderful! It's so weird when a little community is broken up like that for a while. It was very sad! I am so glad we can all see each other again! :) It's strange because we are a little community, and a little group of friends, and yet, we really don't hang out together. They aren't the ones who call and say, hey, let's do something tonight. Although I did do that Saturday night. It was fabulous! I think we should start eating together though! It would be fun! Because it's such a great group of people, and we only see each other maybe twice a week! Anyway, everyone's in the process of leaving. They're either gone, or they're leaving today, or maybe they're staying. There are a bunch of people from Mudd who are staying and going to Disneyland and fun things like that. Sounds fun! I realized that although I've been 45 minutes from Disneyland for how many months now? I haven't been! It's really sad! I need to get over there before I go home for the summer! Anyway, I fly out today! Yay! It will be good to be home again! Food that is home cooked is so good! The food here is good, but, it's just not the same! I look forward to seeing you all again soon! :)
Sunday, March 09, 2003
Wow, it's been a busy week, but the weather has been gorgeous! I've enjoyed it sooooo much! Especially since I got to be out in it for three days this week! It was wonderful! I love the sun! Yay! Let's see, it was just busy! There was lots of work to do, and then there was dance, and Thursday we went to Argetine Tango, which apparently happens every Thursday down at Pomona! So now we have a new thing to do Thursday nights, because it was really fun! I wasn't sure I would like it, because it looked like such a sketchy dance, on the video, but it's really really fun! Yay! So, along with Lindygroove, we could go to Argentine Tango on Thursdays, and some night when we don't have any work, hah!, we'll do both! So, Friday we took Sarra out for dessert, for her birthday which was Monday. It was really fun! We weren't sure whether she was mad or not at first, because the directions that we had took us really far out of the way apparently. But, Lisa and I are not from S. CA! We didn't know! But, she did really enjoy it, and appreciated the fact that we had done something classy for her. :) When we got back, we changed, and went straight to the MOB, which was very enjoyable! I appreciated the fact that I knew most of the guys there, because they asked me to dance, because they knew me, and that I could dance, and there were sooooo many girls there! It was crazy! It was an amazing turn out, for having done no advertising! Yikes! These are getting popular, which is cool in some ways, but, we really need guys! After the MOB, a bunch of us went to the Muddhole, and talked there, and it was really fun! It was a great group! Yesterday, Jonah and Ian and Talya and I got together, and played card games, and watched Strictly Ballroom, it was really fun too! I really like those guys! Yay! I had a fun weekend, with the exception of the math final, which I took instead of going to swing. Which I miss. Oh well, at least there was a MOB, so I did do some dancing this weekend! Anyway, this next week is midterms! Crazy! It's going to be really interesting! partly because I don't know if our Core midterm is even going to happen! We'll see! Anyway, I should go study. :) Talk to you all soon, probably, when I am home for break! :)
Saturday, March 01, 2003
Yay! :) SYR was so fun! And yesterday was crazy! Let's see, Sunday, last Sunday, I lost my keys! And I thought they were in the room somewhere, because I knew I had them when I got back to the dorm, and I hadn't gone anywhere else all day! And I was writing a Core essay, all in one day, which was a horrible experience, but that's just how the schedule worked out. And I was trying to figure out math that was difficult, and nothing seemed to be going right, and then I couldn't find my keys! That just made it all worse! I seriously wanted to go find a dark hole somewhere to curl up in! It was crazy! We've decided that time has a weird duality thing going on right now. The days go by so quickly, especially because there is sooooo much to do in them! But the weeks are so long! I can't believe this is only Saturday! It feels like the semester should be ending soon, and yet we haven't even reached the half way point! It's crazy! It's such a strange feeling! Let's see, we basically finished the routine for team this week, which means that we'll be perfecting it now. Which is good. Hopefully we'll get to learn a second one! I really want to do Tango or something! That would be so cool! :) Our routine is East Coast Swing, which I don't really have anything against, unlike some people I know... ;) but, I would definitely choose to dance Lindy if I had a choice. But, the routine is fun. It makes me laugh! There are some really strange things in it. And, the move that Tatsu told us was the worst swing move in the world two weeks ago, it's in there! And the thing is that no one else does Lindy on a regular basis, so no one else knows how cheesy some of these moves are, and all the ones that Tatsu has ever complained about are there! And there's no one to commiserate with me. Which in some ways is a good thing, because I know if any of the Lindy guys were there, we'd probably get in trouble! Which is bad. Anyway, reahearsals are going well, it's really late at night! And especially on Mondays, I'm really tired, but, it's fun! We had video day in Standard dance on Wed. So, we got to see how we dance. It was good. I don't know quite what I need to work on, but, it was good to see what I look like! Thursday night, the internet was out in our room only! Don't ask me how that happened! I don't know! Camille and I think that we have bad computer vibes! But, whatever was the problem, it was fortunately fixed Friday morning! Thursday night I was going insane, because Camille and John left, so I was alone in the room, and I was writing a stupid lab write-up, which wanted you to relate the surface area of a stalk of celery to its length, which is just insane! And, I couldn't complain to anyone because I couldn't talk to anyone online! It was horrible! So, I ran down to Sarra's room to jump around and complain, and she thought I was rather amusing. I called Jonah, because I wanted to ask if he'd had any ideas about number 17 on my math homework. He has offered to help me when I need it, which is very kind. And we ended up talking for around three hours! It was crazy! But, that seems to be what happens! We start talking, and then we talk for hours! It's fun, and good. It makes me so happy to have a guy friend here that I can talk to! It's so nice! Anyway, yesterday, I was in lab for four hours and fifteen minutes! It was soooo long! But, now we have all our data, and we don't have to worry about getting in there this weekend. Because we're kind of doing two labs at once. So, we finished the one, then dealt with the other, and now we just have to write the report, which is nice, although two lab reports in one weekend is going to be interesting! So, I got back, and went to take a shower, because I was dirty, and had been in lab, and yuck! And Camille left, and locked me out! And I ditn't have much time anyway, because I had exactly an hour and a half to shower, dry my hair, do my hair, and makeup, eat, and get down to Pomona for rehearsal! And I couldn't get into my room! I was really stressed! So, Mandy was kind enough to let me borrow her hair dryer so that I didn't freeze when I went outside like I would have if my hair had been wet, then Sarra let me into the dining hall, and fortunately, Camille was there! So, I got into the room, and I got ready in seven minutes! And got down to rehearsal in time! It was great! :) Then from reahearsal, I got back to the room, and changed, and went to SYR. It was really fun! Camille had set me up with Jonah. :) And it actually worked out really really well, because we get along, and neither of us is really into the standing in a circle and bouncing to the beat, so, we started to actually dance, like ballroom dancing! :) It was fabulous! We did six different dances! We started with cha-cha, and it was great, because the people there were probably asking "what are they doing?!" But, Talya and Mike joined us for a little bit, and the next song worked with salsa, so we did salsa, and yeah, we just made it work with the music. We were dancing to hip-hop music, but it worked! I was surprised! Because I would never have thought it would work. Jonah taught me hustle, and we did Lindy, samba and meringue too! It was so fun! And there was one point during the night, where they played four good songs in a row! There was a cha-cha or something, and then they played swing! An actual swing song! :) And so Jonah and I were doing Lindy, and then when the second song came on, Andrew tried to cut in, but Jonah wouldn't let him, but then, he let Andrew have me, and then they traded off for two songs, and the second song, they ended up dancing with each other! Which the audience enjoyed. :) They had cleared kind of a circle for us, because we knew what we were doing, and they were watching. Then Jonah started the fourth song with me, and then Ian cut in, and we danced the rest of the song together, but we were both getting tired by that point, because we had danced three fast swings in a row! It was crazy! And in four inch heels no less! It was so hard! But, I did rather well, I think, and Jonah said so. :) Then, Jonah and I danced the cha-cha that was next, and the next song was good too, but I had to get some water, because except for the break I had at the very end of the one dance where he and Andrew danced with each other, I had been dancing straight, and I needed a break! I almost feel over going down the stairs, I was kind of dizzy! It was crazy! But it was fun! The music was bad again for a while then, but then it got better, and so we went back in. We had been outside talking to Ian and cooling off, because doing all that dancing was hot! And we danced some more, and they played good music until the end then, except that most people had left, and so the floor was really clear, which made it nice for dancing! :) I probably made quite a name for myself last night, being the dancer who doesn't dance like "normal people." It was fun! I loved it! Yay for knowing how to dance, and having a partner who knows more than I do! I did so many moves that I didn't know last night! And I learned hustle! It was fun! Yay! Anyway, I just had to rave about how great it was! If I'd known how to dance in highschool, and had partner to dance with, I would have done the same at the dances, because it made the bad music easier to bear! :) Apparently Jonah stole someone else's date at his homecoming because he wanted to dance, and she knew how. That was an interesting story. How fun! I love dance!