Ahh Halloween
So, we had the Halloween Dance Party last night. It was amazing how many people there were! Just quite insane actually. But it was fun. Although the severe lack of boys who were worth dancing with was very sad. But, we made it fun anyway. And Jerome showed up! It was very exciting to see him again. And Adam came too, and Dan! So there were a few awesome boys. Huge Yay for our alumni. :)
Anyway, the best part were the costumes, so, here are pictures:

Aren't we so cute?! And the pink hair will grow on you, I promise.
Chris decided that we should have switched it up and made me the evil one, but really, I wouldn't have been nearly so hott as Troy was.
Here's one of me being a superhero:

And here's one that made Troy decide she should start taking pictures for Playboy:

We also had the wonderful Lisa:

Her shirt said "Avert your eyes". It was fabulous.
Altogether, a fun night. The costumes were fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, which is the ultimate goal for me, since I'm still in charge of these party things. Not for long! Enjoy the pictures. :)