Monday, January 30, 2006

Bad !

So, Chris loaned me one of his best Standard CDs so that I could copy it and Paul and I would have songs to practice to on our own. Unfortunately, the original CD would not play on my computer, nor on Troys. It did play on Sarra's, so she tried making a copy of it. It took forever, and ended up getting so stuck it made her shut down her computer in order to get the CD out. However, it seemed to have actually copied most of the CD. So, I tried out the burned version, and all the songs are there. Which is awesome! So I went to rip the new copy onto my computer so that I have them somewhere permanent. And This is what came up on my screen: (keep in mind there are only 20 songs on the CD.)

The last song is Bad ! I should not be so amused. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

After CalTech

That's the motto at the moment. After CalTech, I will start sleeping again. After CalTech, I won't have to dance quite so much. After CalTech, we will start rehearsing things other than Bond Medley. After CalTech, I will choreograph my lindy. After CalTech.... the list goes on. Troy and I decided we need shirts that just say After CalTech on the front. I think it's an awesome idea. :)

CalTech, refers to the competition at CalTech, which is February 4th. Paul and I are going to be competing both Novice International Standard, and Gold International Standard, assuming everything continues to go well. If it does, we should be very pretty. :) And of course we'll be competing the Bond Medley in the formation competition as a team. This means that on Mondays and Wednesdays I'm doing at least six hours of dancing, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays it's about 4. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays get cut to between 2 and 3, but it's still a heck of a lot of dancing. Whee! So, needless to say, I feel like I'm doing nothing but dancing and homework, eating and sleeping. Which isn't a bad life, it's just, a little more insane than normal. But, with two and a half weeks to pull together a formation competition routine with two boys who knew absolutely none of it, as well as learning and practicing our individual competition routines, it's what has to happen. So, we've been doing that.

Aside from all the dancing, classes are going well. I got to be an absolutely horrible person and fabricate data for our Research Methods class the other day, which was really quite fun actually. The F-value was over 1000 the effect was so good. It was very pretty fabricated data. Because my world is awesome like that. They're starting their Stroop projects, which I think is awesome. I'm not sure they're quite as excited about it as I am, but then, I don't have to do quite as much work as they do... so, ya know. But that's because I've done it all before. I've started getting thesis ready to go, so hopefully I will be running participants soon. I get to have help running them! Which is awesome, because that means it should go faster. Which is always good. I'm just hoping it all works. I would like real pretty data please!

So anyway, After CalTech, I'm sure I'll write again, possibly more often even. We'll just have to wait and see. But for now, it's dance, dance, dance, class, eat, dance, read, thesis, sleep. :)

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's all in a Name

So, I took the CBEST on December 3rd. It's the standardized test for all teachers, in case you didn't know. I got my results on Saturday. They were addressed to Katherin, which immediately struck me as odd. Not only that, but my official little card that I'm supposed to keep forever that says I passed, says Katherin on it. I wondered if somehow I had mistakenly missed a key when I was registering for the test, so I sent the organization an e-mail, asking if perhaps they would be able to correct the spelling of my name so that it actually is my name. I recieved an e-mail today:

Your first name has more characters than there are spaces/fields
available on the CBEST Score Reports. Additional letters cannot be

Well, excuse me for having a name that's too long. For future reference. Never name your child anything that's longer than eight letters. It might not fit on official documents. I mean really, I didn't think Katherine was that long. There have got to be plenty of names that are at least nine letters. Maximillian, Elizabeth, Frederick, Alexandra, Mackenzie, and I'm sure there are others. And since they want the legal name, and not nickname, those are always longer. I'm sure most names are about 8, or less than that, but nine is just one more... and there's plenty of space on their stupid little card. But, I guess from here on out I shall be known to the state of California as Katherin, the girl who lost her e because of official business. *Sigh* The sacrifices I make to teach your children. What's next?