Monday, February 21, 2005


I get to look like a princess on Friday! I'm soooo excited! I actually jumped around and cavorted in joy when Chris told us what we get to wear when we perform the Viennese at the dance party on Friday. We get to wear the huge white crushed velvet dresses that must weigh like ten pounds apiece because their skirts are so full, but I love the way they look. I've wanted to wear them ever since I saw them in the video from two years ago. And we'll probably get to wear tiaras. And maybe the white gloves. And I'm going to be a princess! It's going to be so amazing! I promise promise that I will take pictures, because we won't be wearing these dresses in Concert, so I get to wear them once, ever probably. And this is it! Soooo excited. And I probably shouldn't be because everyone who's worn them didn't like them. But they're so pretty. I'm just weird. But exciting! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Valentine's Day

So the short version is that my boyfriend is absolutely amazing.

The long version is this: We had rehearsal in the morning, so I saw Sandor then. But I didn't see him again until that night for dinner. I had classes from 9am to 6pm, and then I hurried back to get ready. A shower was in order, since I had just come from dance, and I had been planning on wearing my lavender sparkly dress, so I had everything basically set out. When I got out of the shower, there was a rose on my desk, and Sarra and Troy had a whole new outfit laid out for me. Which they "respectfully requested" that I wear. They were very obviously in on something. It was cute. So, I ended up wearing this amazing red top that Sarra has, and one of Troy's really cute black skirts. (They have amazing taste in clothes, and it's great when you can share!) They did my hair in these really cool twists, for which I got compliments the entire night! Thanks girls! And then I was ready to go.

Sandor was waiting for me outside with another six roses, comment on the roses: they're origami roses, so they're gorgeous, and they'll never die! He was also wearing red and black, so we matched. Which was cute. We walked into the Village for dinner at Harvard Square. Dinner was really good, but the best part was dessert. We'd somehow gotten into a discussion of chocolate mousse somewhere back a few weeks ago, and he remembered this, so dessert was chocolate mousse, and it was absolutely amazing. Probably the best I've had in a very long time. You can't compare it to the mint chocolate, because that's what we make, and it's just very very different. But this was really really good. Mmm chocolate. :)

When we left the restaurant, I thought we would be walking back to campus, but, he had his car there in the Village, which was totally surprising, and really cool! So we went to Blockbuster to pick out a movie. Which he called the "least slick" part of the evening because he didn't already have a movie waiting. I still was impressed. We chose, after some debate, The Tailor of Panama, a movie in which Pierce Brosnan plays an MI6 agent who just screws everyone over. It was kind of weird to watch, because he's Bond, but he was such a bad guy! There was also a point in the movie where things just got weird. But, overall it was a pretty good movie.

Overall it was an incredibly enjoyable evening. I'm not at all used to having someone care that much, and cater to me, so it was amazing. I only hope I can make him as happy as he makes me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Puttin' you off

So, Valentine's Day was absolutely wonderful! But, I have an exam tomorrow, and have decided that I need to sleep. Therefore, you will all just have to wait in anticipation of the summary I have for you. :) Hope you all had wonderful days as well!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Rain Rain Go AWAY!

So, it didn't just rain today, it poured. Once when I was out in it, and I came back looking like I'd taken a shower, and then it just poured for a while, and the campus flash-flooded! It was amazing! I've never seen anything like it. And I was walking across campus because I had to go pick up prospies for dinner, and there were just rivers of water everywhere! There was about a quarter inch of water everywhere, and in many places there were four or more inches. The entire Bowling Green Lawn was under about three inches of water, it's the huge lawn just North of Malott. Absolutely incredible! And the Miss America steps were a waterfall. With the rushing noise and everything. Just amazing. Apparently there's flooding in a bunch of the dorm basements, and IT thought they might have to shut down the servers. I hope not! That would really stink! But, it seems that the actual flooding is mostly done for now, although it is still raining. Real raining, not just sprinkling.

The real issue though, is that my tennis shoes decided that they needed to leak! Through the sole. So there wasn't anything I could do about it. It was highly annoying. I think I've changed socks about three times today. *sigh* Wet cold socks are just not fun to put back on. So I've decided that next time I'm at a Payless, I'm totally buying myself a pair of rubber boots. No question. It'll be awesome.

Sooo much rain! I just hope my shoes don't mildew or something nasty. I've tried to dry them with a hairdryer. But it didn't work terribly well. Ah well, hopefully it stops soon! Hope you-all are having better luck with the weather!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

ER Continued

So, if you're ever down here and need to go to the hospital, don't ever ever go to Pomona Valley. They're inept. They couldn't find Troy's appendix. But that didn't mean it had burst, they just couldn't see it. So they kept her there for nine hours, then released her and told her to come back the next day. You've got to be kidding me!

So she went to a totally different hospital today, which ended up being much more helpful. She doesn't have appendicitis, which is very good, but she has a weird cyst on her right ovary, which is bad. So, she's on lots more medication and things, but she's doing better, which is very good. And she's not going to die, which makes me feel even better!

So although the last two days were incredibly stressful in terms of worrying about her, she's going to be fine, and they didn't have to do surgery or anything, which is good. I'm so glad she's going to be well again. Hopefully soon. Very soon.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Scrubs in Real Life

So, I spent three and a half hours in the emergency room waiting room this morning. And the funny thing is, I don't think I've been in an emergency room since I was six. And that time I was the one getting the x-rays. But this was totally different. We finally convinced Troy that she actually really needed to go see a doctor when she was so sick that she was not able to keep water down. She had self-diagnosed herself with appendicitis, and that's really not something you want to mess with. So, Justin, Adam and I left rehearsal early, and took her to the ER of Pomona Valley Hospital, which, by the way, gets the Ugliest Hospital I've Ever Seen Award because it looks like a factory. The funny incidents of the trip were these: first, the attendant in the parking lot told us that we could park to the right or left, so we found a nice parking spot, and then had to go all the way around the building to get to the ER! It would have been nice to have been told to drive a while longer before we parked. So, we walked around to the ER, and as we're walking, we have Adam in front, and Troy in the middle of Justin and I behind, and I realized that Justin, Adam and I were all wearing our team jackets, so Troy had a posse of jacketed bodyguards. Except that Adam pointed out we made a very unlikely group of bodyguards, since she had one very small woman, one broken man, and one man who was wearing white socks with his sandals. We decided that Justin's sling was just a decoy. Obviously he was going to beat down whoever tried to attack us. It was pretty funny. The other funny thing was debating what tan colored scrubs meant. Justin decided it must be physical therapy because that's what was next door and that's where she was headed. But we really have no idea. Funny though, that you can watch a TV show, and suddenly have some sort of knowledge about what green, blue and pink colors mean (surgery, medical, and nurse, respectively).

So, we waited, and waited, and finally went back to class when Sarra came to relieve us. Hadn't found out anything except that they'd ruled out everything but appendicitis, and that Troy was going in for an MRI on her abdomen. I've been at class for three hours, and was ready to go back to waiting in the ER, when Sarra called to say that they're headed back, they've let her go. And I still have no idea what's going on! I guess I'll have to write again when they get back and I find out what the "long and complicated" story is. Crazy. Just crazy.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

In the News

In the news today, Ninja Rebels Told to Disarm and Get a Haircut, as stated in the headline of this article:

As slightly scary as the actual article is, the headline is highly amusing. Now, would anyone ever tell a pirate to disarm and get a haircut? Well, likely, but he wouldn't do it. And ninjas seem like they should be clean cut anyway. Who dares defy the ninja stereotype?! *chuckle*

Anyway, aside from that, I've played Hearts a lot this weekend. We didn't play bridge on Friday because Justin had work to do. So we played Hearts instead, which was a lot of fun. We also played again last night.

Sandor and I went out to dinner last night. It was really fun! We went to the Olive Garden, which I haven't been to in several years. It was delicious, as always, and the company was fabulous! I am such a lucky girl. He even changed his shirt so we would match colors. So cute. :)

We finished the entire first season of Scrubs! It was funny, we thought we had one more left, and started it and realized we'd seen it, and then were confused as to how we had actually finished them all. But I guess watching like six episodes in one night previously will do that. So we're on into the second season now, and it's just as fabulous! Sooo funny!

Classes are going decently well, Methods is intense, and three hours of it on Mondays is a little much for me. Last Monday I was really stressed when I got out of that class. I think it will be fine, I am getting things done for it, it's just... well, intense. And it doesn't help that Prof. Marcus-Newhall talks incredibly fast! But, I'm sure it will be a good class to have had, I just don't really like doing it at the moment. Ah well, I should go back to writing my introduction to my paper for it. I'll try to write again soon!

Make sure you don't run into any ninjas, and if you do, tell them to get a haircut if they haven't already. ;)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Happy February!

So, since there is currently a rumor floating around out there, I thought I should clarify for those of you who aren't on the 5-C's. :)

I do have a boyfriend again. Sandor and I have been together for about a week and a half now, he's amazingly wonderful and sweet, and I am very happy. So, there you have it.

It's actually been really funny watching people figure out that we're together, as Vi noticed, my profile has a conversation with Stephanie in which she screeched because she was riding in the car with us and didn't realize that we were together. It was hilarious.

Anyway, that's about the latest, besides the fact that I'm busy busy again, already. It's only the third week of school! But then, most of it is stupid chemistry work, which is evil. For lab today we had to write a full formal lab, limited to a maximum of two pages!! Who limits a formal lab to two pages?! It was crazy. Size 11, .5" margins baby, and I win. But it was highly annoying to write. Science should be succinct, but that succinct seems a little overkill, even for science.

Anyway, I hope that your months are all getting off to as wonderful a start as mine has. Have fun!