Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

I've been incredibly busy since I got back here.

Tuesday we went down to the mall, and I tried on this really cool dress at Penny's, it would have been a great latin competition dress. It was purple, rather low-cut in front, although for latin, the more skin you show the better, and it had the kind of skirt that has the chiffon trailies, so it reminded me of a jellyfish. It was a pretty neat dress, and it fit me really well, but I just couldn't see myself wearing it for anything but latin, and I don't know how much longer I'll be doing that after next year, so, I didn't think the $40 was worth it. I also got my hair trimmed, it's still about the same length, just got rid of all the split ends, so it looks much healthier now, which was really nice since I hadn't had a trim in about a year.

Wed. I went up to the University of Washington again, I'm going to continue my research there over this break, and this time I get paid for it, so that's cool. Make a little money painting brains... good stuff. We went out to dinner that night, and then picked Nana up from the airport, her plane was two hours late because they had to glue the windshield back down.... that's a little scary! But, she got in fine, thankfully.

Thursday was the best day ever! We went up to the Seattle Art Museum, which had a very cool Spanish exhibit. There were paintings, and suits of armor, and all kinds of things, from the 1400s, which was very cool to see. Then, I went with Matt to see the Duke Ellington Orchestra! It was absolutely amazing! They were soooooo good! They played a couple random Ellington pieces, and then they did a Christmas sing-along, so we got to sing the first two verses of each song, then they would go and jazz it up, so it was a lot of fun. After intermission, they played Ellington's version of the Nutcracker Suite, which was amazing! It would have been great anyway, but it was better because the Sugar Plum Fairy song, is called Sugar Rum Cherry, and she's drunk! It's so funny! We had a good time. And they were amazing musicians. I miss hearing good jazz when I'm down there. :) And then, after that fabulous concert, I went dancing! It was a lot of fun! Everyone remembered me, and I had some really good dances with some of the good people here. So it was just a wonderful evening!

Christmas was very good to me, I got my sewing machine as my big present, so I'm very excited. I'm hoping to make myself a dress over break. We'll see if I get it done. But I got a lot of other really nice things too. Like sparkly jewelry. :) You know, Matt commented that he knew for sure it was me when I got out of the car because my skirt sparkled. Am I really that sparkly all the time?! Oh well, I like it. :)

I'm now off to a week in Victoria B.C., with my family, for a week, which should be fun. I feel a little lame, spending another New Year's with my family, but, at least I'll be out of the country this time! I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year! Talk to you when I get back!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Feel the Burn!

So, we had to make two attempts at landing in SeaTac because it was so foggy that I couldn't see the wing of the plane that my seat was located directly above. Made a lot of sense to me to head up out of the clouds again. Got a nice view of downtown Seattle, and Mt. St. Helens had a plume of ash that it was sending up. Pretty view above the fog. Not so pretty view inside it. However, it cleared off in the afternoon, and was actually sunny! That was really nice.

However, it's so cold here (really it isn't, but it feels it because it's damp and breezy and I came from 80 degree weather) that when we took a walk at seven last night, by the time we got back to the house my fingers were doing the burny/itchy thing from being too cold. I could definitely feel the burn as they warmed up again, it was sad. I haven't had that happen in a really long time. My blood must be really thin. Silly CA, although I love it. :)

We went to see Polar Express in 3D today at the IMAX theatre, very very cool. The headset things that you had to wear were a little uncomfortable though. Oh well, it was worth it. Good movie. I recommend it.

Now that I'm home and have a little less constant online time, posts will be a little more erratic, just warning, but, I'll try to keep you all updated. :) I miss you!

Sunday, December 19, 2004


So, I have lots to say, and don't have time to say it, as per usual. But, I'll try to post tomorrow. For now, I just want to say that yes, I'm safely home. And while it's good to be here, I miss all of you from Claremont already! *sigh* It's only a month. I'm going to focus on that. Yay for IM and e-mail, and cell phones, and other wonderful forms of communication. And yay for family to keep me busy. I'll write soon I promise! And tell you all about things. :)

Friday, December 17, 2004


Wow, another semester has ended. It honestly feels like I just got here a couple weeks ago. And yet, I can look back on a whole heck of a lot of stuff that got done in between September and now. It's amazing. But sad, because it means I must leave my twin, and my friends here, and my life, and go away. It'll be really nice to have a break. I just really wish there were a time when we could all be here without school work. Just be here with each other. And we never have that time. It's really quite sad.

I stomped the cellular guts out of my bio exam like Kitri and I decided I would. I had studied for three days, I'm not surprised. But it only took me an hour and a half. I was impressed with that. Shortest final ever, I think.

So, done with finals, done with packing, my room is clean! And wonderful. And now, it's time to play I think. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fudge and a WEIRD movie

So, we went down to Sandor's last night to watch Twin Dragons, which is the other movie we had picked up at the video store last Thursday. First, Sandor was amazing because he hid in his closet. So, last time we were over, we discovered that he could fit in the cupboards above his closet, and we thought it would be amazing if he hid up there when people were coming over. So, we planned it, and he hid, and it was so amazingly fun! Adam and Sarra were both a little scared. It was great. And then, Sandor had made fudge. It was chocolatey fudge, so even though there was peanut butter kind, it was chocolate base, so it was totally different from what Grandpa makes. It was really good though. He also had dark chocolate. Also, really good. Wow, yumminess. Boys who cook are great. Boys who cook good fudge are amazing!

Anyway, so we watched this movie. It was the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time. It was poorly dubbed in english, so that made it funny first of all, but then there were times when the conversation just made no sense at all. And THEN, the plot didn't make any sense either! So basically, it was a lot of us laughing and having no clue what was going on. It was funny though, which was the point. So that was good. Weird weird movie. Too funny.

Anyway, back to studying for bio, last final tomorrow! Then I have to pack and stuff, but, last final tomorrow!! Yay! :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

New stuff!

I love Becca. This is for her. She is amazingly hott, cool and wonderful. And a fabulous friend. And she's so lovely that I had to post just for her. Because she wanted something entertaining. :) I loooove you!

I am so out of shape!

Wow, so I spent an hour running around and laughing this afternoon, and I'm very very tired now. If I did this once a day, I would be in amazing shape! Just because you're laughing so hard you can barely run, but you've got to run to catch people, or get away from the catchers, and wow, it's really hard! I don't remember it being this hard, but then again, I was five, and did this all the time, instead of sitting at a desk and typing comments into people's blogs. But I guess that's what growing up is. *sigh* Oh well. I remember the days when I could run for hours... not any more. But it was really fun! Yay for running and laughing and craziness with good people!


OK, so final of real doom, death and destruction is over. Was over yesterday morning. In the form of Chemistry.... so evil. I don't know why I'm taking this class! Except that I'm required to for the major. *sigh* The final wasn't quite as bad as it could have been, it was pretty bad though, so we'll see.

Neuroscience was this morning, it went pretty darn well I think, although we'll see, I've heard some nasty things about how they'll curve the class down if people do well. That would stink!

So, I've got a couple days off to get lots done before I leave on Saturday, and my bio final on Friday. Not too worried about the bio final, although I will be studying over the next couple days. But, I also get to do things like play freeze tag this afternoon, and watch movies and hang out with my friends. It's so sad that so many people are going abroad next semester. I mean, I really miss all the people who were abroad this semester, but it just seemed like an extension of summer with not seeing them, instead of next semester when I'm used to seeing them around here this year, and they won't be here anymore. It's sad. Although, perhaps it will just feel like an extended winter break... I have no idea.

Anyway, it should be a fun rest of the week! I love it when the college plans games for us. Freeze tag! I haven't played since I was a lot younger than now! I'm soooo excited! :)

Friday, December 10, 2004

A flying leap of faith?

Not quite, but I did make a flying leap into the ballroom floor yesterday! We were playing "Do You love your neighbor," which was really fun until Stephanie and I got in each other's way, and I ended up stretching out in the air and landing smack face down on the floor! Needless to say, my elbow and hand are pretty sore, but it was apparently very impressive! It was amusing, and I put ice on them and everything. I have some rather lovely bruises already. It's awesome!

We also discovered that Sandor makes an amazing ninja! Out of a black thermal shirt and dress socks. He was absolutely amazing, hiding behind the door of his room in the dark. Ahh, clever boy. Sooo much fun!

Adam and I also had the most amazing Bridge hand ever today! I opened bidding, one diamond, he then bid with five clubs! That means we would have had to take eleven of the thirteen tricks! Justin, just to be mean, decided to say five hearts, so I took it to six clubs, which is over game. Absolutely amazing, and we did it! A small slam, twelve of thirteen tricks we took! So amazing! We enjoyed it! Justin walked back into the room after the game was over and asked: "Did that hand actually just happen?" It was the most amazing hand ever, no question. :) Adam is awesome!

Anyway, must run away to perform for the CMC faculty!

Thursday, December 09, 2004


So, I should probably be studying, but this was much more fun! And I'm amused, because I always seem to get the same one no matter what test it is. Guess I'm just really helpful!

You Are the Helper


You always put on a happy face and try to help those around you.

You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know.

Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, warm, and sincere.

You connect with people who are charming and charismatic.

And true to form:

Your Element Is Water

A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted
and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also
are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around
waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little
more peaceful.

So, I always said I was an alien.... now I know where I'm from! ;)

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.

Anyway, I'm amused. Those are the only good ones though, so I'm done. But it was fun while it lasted! Off to study until the social....

Monday, December 06, 2004

In which I am a dork:

My name using amino acids to spell it out, is:
Lysine-Alanine-Threonine-Isoleusine-Glutamic Acid

Lysine-Glutamic Acid-Leucine-Leucine-Glutamic Acid-Arginine

I found this highly entertaining, and decided it would be great to write out secret messages in amino acid code! Matt says that would be the most inefficient code ever. I still think it would be fun. What say you? ;)

La La La La

So, everyone's either asleep or at class right now. And normally, I would be in class too, but we have a paper writing day today, so there isn't class. And I just finished doing some major editing on my paper, and it's much better. But now I need to take a break, and I really want to talk to people, but there's no one to talk to. So I'll write, because I keep meaning to, and haven't yet found time to.

I've been incredibly busy, lots of stuff due, and tests, and dance, and craziness. Last week was pretty insane. And I thought this week would be too. Everything's due on Wednesday, which is kind of stinky of them. But, it seems like it might not be as bad as I thought. I have my paper, which still needs some editing, but is definitely on the way there, and chem problem set is almost done, I'll finish that as soon as I'm done here, then all I have left is the chem lab. That's going to be the bugger. So, Friday, I spent five hours in lab. The last hour and a half or so of this was doing calculations. Apparently I can't do calculations right for the life of me, because Troy and I would do them, and then Prof. Mock would tell us there was something wrong, so we'd go back and fix what she had thought was the problem, and then something else would be wrong, so we ended up doing the same calculations about five times. And it was awful. And by the end I was so frustrated I was going to cry. It didn't help at all that I had to get down to the ballroom because I was in charge of the dance party that was happening that night. But yes. Incredibly frustrating. I'm not looking forward to writing up that lab, but, I will do it. And it will get done, not a problem. So, anyway, except for finals that's all I have left, and I thought it was so much, and now I'm thinking I may actually have some time left over. Which would be awesome!

We had a really fun weekend. We had a performance for the CGU staff on Friday during lunch, which was fun, although it made things a bit more stressful. There was the dance party on Friday night, and that helped make me happy again. Dance is always good for that. That's why I do it. :) Plus, you can't stay unhappy for long when you've got Chris and Andrew making snowmen to put on the walls. It was so funny! There was a guy from UCSB there, randomly. He was really good, and that was cool! So hopefully he'll come back again. Ian came down and danced with us, which was really fun! It's always really good to see him. And he's still so good. I'm so impressed. I want to stay that good when I graduate! Sat. was the last day of lindy for the semester, so that was sad, but a lot of fun. Dan and I taught the lesson, and then there were quite a few people who stayed to freedance this time, so that was excellent. Sat. night we had a MOB. which we stayed at for a while, but a lot of people were tired from dancing the night before, so we left, and apparently they ended early, I was told. But we had fun at that too. So yes, lots of dancing, which was awesome!

Anyway, it's sad that the semester is ending. It seems like there should be more time. And yet, we've accomplished so much! Time goes amazingly fast when I'm down here. It's insane. But, got to go finish work and then spend time with all these wonderful people I won't see over break. Have a great Monday everyone!