And if you don't know to which children's book I'm refferring, you've been deprived!
Anyway, today started off horribly! I sincerely hope it gets better! I also
hate coffee! With a passion!! I had to be at work this morning at six-thirty. Which is fine, but I didn't get to bed until one because of dancing. So I was a little tired. So I went in, and I started the coffee, and went down to the ballroom to get the other stuff set up, and I walk back in, and Mama is there with a tablecloth out on the floor which is sopping up spilled coffee, and tells me that the spigot on the tank had been left open the night before, so when it started making coffee, it all just poured right out. Good thing she saw it! It made a HUGE mess though. And when I say huge, I mean it. I had set it to make ten liters. We ended up with it making about six, which means there were about four liters of coffee all over the counter and the floor. I had to get more dirty table cloths to soak it up, and then clean the counters, and of course it flows all over the clean glasses, so I had to pick out the coffee'd ones and put them to be washed again and then mop. But all that happened later, because I had to still get stuff set up downstairs, so Annie comes in and she's trying to help me, so she starts a pot filling from the tank to go downstairs, and then leaves, and I walk in just as it starts to overflow, fortunately, but then I had to clean the counter again! And then I almost overflowed a pot! Marg. I hate coffee! And then I got the really hot water on my hand, so my hands smell like coffee still, and are slightly burned from the heat of the coffee and the water. So, we get all the hot liquids figured out, and the breakfast ends up going really well. I won the wet shirt contest! So, our uniform is white long-sleeved shirt. And it's raining today. So the golfers have their breakfast out under the tent, and all the water that's on top of the tent is running off the sides, and I was changing the coffee pots for them, and in order to be behind the table, I was standing right where the edge of the tent is, which means that not only was I getting rained on, I was getting water run-off from the tent. I was pretty wet when I went back in. It was amusing though. I told the other girls we should have a wet t-shirt contest, but they wouldn't join me. ;) So, I get home from work finally, and can escape the making of more coffee and hot liquids, and decide that soup sounds really good for lunch. So I get out a can, and it's one of those pull-top kinds from Campbell's, so I pull of the lid, and chicken broth splashes all over me. I had to change my shirt. And then I got spilled milk on the table. Only a little, but goodness! I don't think I've spilled so much liquid in one day in my entire life! It was horrible!
And in the middle of it, this guy comes up to me and one of the other girls, and says: "Why did God make women beautiful and dumb at the same time?" And I'm just looking at him like Do you realize who you're talking to? The answer is: "He made them beautiful so that men would love them, and he made them dumb so that they would love men." Which I find amusing, although still slightly on the offensive side, although it's not any worse than blonde jokes.
But, today better get better because tonight officially starts the Seattle Lindy Exchange, and I want to dance well! I'm excited. Although a little tired, but, I'll be alright. A two-hour nap has really helped the tiredness. :)
Oh, by the way, it's really weird how two days away can put you totally out of the loop on things. *sigh* Ahh the wonders of technology.
I spent two days on Whidbey with my family, and it was fabulous. We saw an aircraft carrier go out on deployment from Everett. Those things are gigantic! I'd been next to a small one, and it was huge, but this was a full-size behemoth! It was enormous! It was funny though because Kari and I had been playing Battleship earlier that day, and there was a little destroyer, and then the huge carrier, and so we had to comment on how it was a two pointer and the five pointer that were passing. Crazy.
Anyway, wish me luck dancing the next few days, and leave comments! :)